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In addition to the client-side web experimentation capabilities, Kameleoon has extensive support for server-side feature management and experimentation on web apps, mobile apps, TV and gaming apps, or any other apps connected to the internet.

Here are a few of the additional features you can implement using any of our SDKs:


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Supported platforms

Kameleoon continually adds support for new languages and enhances our existing SDKs with new features and methods. The minimum version you need for some SDK features varies depending on the language. The SDK compatibility table shows which features are available in each language and the minimum SDK version you need to implement it. For comprehensive version history, see the changelog file in the SDK Github repository. We recommend subscribing to receive email notifications.

Server-side SDKs

Real-time streaming2.
Feature experiments3.
Multi-environment feature flags2.
Feature flag variables2.
Predefined targeting conditions2.
Retrieve all targeted feature flags2.
Retrieve all feature flags variables3.
Retrieve data for a user key (Data API Map endpoint)
Retrieve browsing data for a user (Data API Visitor endpoint)
Analytics integration3.
Legal consent management4.
Data warehouse integration4.
Cross-device experimentation4.

Client-side or mobile SDKs

SDKAndroid (Kotlin/Java)iOS (Swift)JavaScript/TypeScriptFlutterReact/React Native
Real-time streaming2.
Feature experiments3.
Multi-environment feature flags2.
Feature flag variables2.
Predefined targeting conditions2.
Retrieve all targeted feature flags2.
Retrieve all feature flags variables2.
Retrieve data for a user key (Data API Map endpoint)
Retrieve browsing data for a user (Data API Visitor endpoint)
Legal consent management4.
Data warehouse integration3.
Cross-device experimentation3.

All of our SDKs are zero-latency SDKs, which means client-side code performs all campaign allocations. Because the allocations are not completed using a remote server call, the impact on your website performance is under a millisecond compared to ~50 ms on average for API-based technologies.

Serverless edge compute platforms

Kameleoon also supports feature management and experimentation at the edge by providing a set of starter kits to implement feature flags and experiments using serverless edge compute platforms offered by modern Content Delivery Networks (CDNs), such as Akamai EdgeWorkers, AWS Lambda@Edge, Cloudflare Workers, Fastly Compute@Edge and Vercel Edge Functions.

ModuleCurrent VersionRelease Date
Fastly starter kit0.2.2September 2023
Cloudflare Workers1.0.2October 2024
Akamai EdgeWorkers0.2.0December 2024
AWS Lambda@Edge2.1.1July 2024
Vercel Edge Functions0.1.0April 2023

OpenFeature providers

Kameleoon supports OpenFeature, an open-source standard for feature flag management backed by the CNCF. OpenFeature ensures seamless compatibility across tools and custom solutions.

Kameleoon provides OpenFeature support for several of our SDKs. The full list can be found in our dedicated article.

Web Server Modules

ModuleCurrent VersionRelease Date
Nginx web server module1.0.24September 2022

The web server module for Nginx currently only supports experiments.


If our SDKs do not support the language used in your application, you can either build a service using one of our existing SDKs or implement a custom integration with the API.

When low latency is a priority for updating targeting conditions and feature flag configurations in real time, opting for an API implementation instead of an SDK may result in increased latency. We strongly recommend using one of our SDKs whenever possible, as they provide better performance, automatic error handling, and ensure a more seamless integration with your codebase.

Kameleoon supports all modern JavaScript frameworks, such as Angular, Vue.js, and Next.js, so you can always use a JavaScript-based SDK for front-end development instead of relying on the API approach.

Visit our API documentation to learn more about the available methods.

Selecting a JavaScript SDK

In addition to the JavaScript/TypeScript SDK, we also provide other Javascript-based SDKs: the React SDK, React Native SDK, and NodeJS SDK. Most JavaScript frameworks work with the JavaScript/TypeScript SDK, but there are some that are better suited to one of the other SDKs depending on the implementation. For example, apps that use server-side rendering (SSR) or Edge integrations should use the NodeJS SDK. Here are the recommended SDKs based on JavaScript frameworks.

FrameworkRecommended SDK
Edge integrations (any framework)NodeJS SDK
Angular/AngularJSJavaScript/TypeScript SDK
ExpressNodeJS SDK
DenoNodeJS SDK
IonicJavaScript/TypeScript SDK
JQueryJavaScript/TypeScript SDK
NextJS (with SSR)NodeJS SDK
NextJS (without SSR)React SDK or JavaScript/TypeScript SDK
Plain JavaScriptJavaScript/TypeScript SDK
React NativeReact Native SDK
ReactReact SDK or JavaScript/TypeScript SDK
Svelte (with SSR)NodeJS SDK
Svelte (without SSR)JavaScript/TypeScript SDK
Vue (with SSR)NodeJS SDK
Vue (without SSR )JavaScript/TypeScript SDK