Flutter SDK
With the Kameleoon Flutter SDK, you can run experiments and activate feature flags on all platforms targeted by the Flutter application framework. Integrating our SDK into your applications is easy, and its footprint (in terms of memory and network usage) is low.
Getting started: For help getting started, see the developer guide.
Changelog: Latest version of the Flutter SDK: 3.2.1 Changelog.
SDK methods: For the full reference documentation of the Flutter SDK methods, see the reference section.
Developer guide
Getting started
This guide is designed to help you integrate our SDK in a few minutes and start running experiments in your Flutter applications. This tutorial will explain the setup of a simple A/B test to change the number of recommended products based on different variations.
Install the Flutter client
To install the Kameleoon Flutter client, declare a dependency on your pubspec.yaml
kameleoon_client_flutter: ^3.0.0
Initialize the Kameleoon client
After installing the SDK into your application and setting up a server-side experiment in the Kameleoon app, the next step is to create the Kameleoon client.
A KameleoonClient
is a singleton object (per siteCode) that acts as a bridge between your application and the Kameleoon platform. It includes all the methods and properties you will need to run an experiment.
import 'package:kameleoon_client_flutter/kameleoon_client_flutter.dart';
class _HomePage extends State<HomePage> {
KameleoonClient kameleoonClient
void initState() {
try {
// pass client configuration and visitorCode as arguments
final config = KameleoonClientConfig(
refreshIntervalMinutes: 15, // 60 minutes by default, optional
defaultTimeoutMilliseconds: 10000, // 10_000 milliseconds by default, optional
dataExpirationIntervalMinutes: 1440 * 365, // infinity by default, optional
trackingIntervalMilliseconds: 500, // 1000 milliseconds by default, optional
environment: "staging", // optional
isUniqueIdentifier: false, // false by default, optional
domain: "example.com" // web only option, optional
final visitorCode = "yourVisitorCode";
final kameleoonClient = KameleoonClientFactory.create(siteCode, visitorCode: visitorCode, config: config);
// or, if you want, visitor code will be generated automatically
final kameleoonClient = KameleoonClientFactory.create(siteCode, config: config);
} on SiteCodeIsEmpty catch (ex) {
// Exception indicates that the provided siteCode is empty
} on VisitorCodeInvalid catch (ex) {
// Exception indicates that the provided visitorCode is invalid
} on Exception catch (ex) {
// Any other error
While executing, the KameleoonClientFactory.create()
method initializes the client, but it is not immediately ready for use. This is because the Kameleoon Client must retrieve the current configuration of feature flags (along with their traffic repartition) from a Kameleoon remote server. This requires network access, which is not always available. Until the Kameleoon Client is fully ready, you should not attempt to run other methods in the Kameleoon Android SDK. Note that once the first configuration of feature flags is fetched, it is then periodically refreshed, but even if the refresh fails for any reason, the Kameleoon client will continue to function using the previous configuration.
You can use the isReady()
method to check if the Kameleoon client initialization is finished.
Alternatively, you can use a helper callback to encapsulate the logic of feature flag triggering and variation implementation. The best approach (isReady()
or callback) depends on your own preferences and on the exact use case. As a rule of thumb, we recommend using isReady()
when you expect that the SDK will be ready for use. For example, when you are running an feature flag on a dialog that users likely wouldn't access for the first few seconds or minutes of navigating within the app. We recommend using the callback when there is a high probability that the SDK is still in the process of initialization. For example, an feature flag that would appear on screen at the application launch would be better suited to a callback that makes the application wait until either the SDK is ready or a specified timeout has expired.
It's your responsibility as the app developer to ensure the logic of your application code is correct within the context of A/B testing using Kameleoon. A good practice is to always assume that the application user can be left out of the feature flag when the Kameleoon client is not yet ready. This is easy to implement, because this corresponds to the implementation of the default or reference variation logic. The code samples in the next paragraph show examples of this approach.
You're now ready to implement feature management and features flags. See the Reference section for details about additional methods.
Activating a feature flag
Retrieving a flag configuration
To implement a feature flag in your code, you must first create a feature flag in your Kameleoon account.
To determine if a feature flag is active for a specific user, you need to retrieve its configuration. Use the getFeatureVariationKey()
or isFeatureActive()
method to retrieve the configuration based on the featureKey
The isFeatureActive()
method can be used if you want to retrieve the configuration of a simple feature flag that has only an ON or OFF state, as opposed to more complex feature flags with multiple variations or targeting options.
The getFeatureVariationKey()
method retrieves the configuration of a feature experiment with several feature variations. You can use the method to get a variation key for a given user by providing the visitorCode
and featureKey
as mandatory arguments.
Feature flags can have associated variables that are used to customize their behavior. To retrieve these variables, use the getFeatureVariationVariables()
method after calling getFeatureVariationKey()
, as you will need to obtain the variationKey
for the user.
To check if a feature flag is active, you only need to use one method. Choose isFeatureFlagActive
if you simply want to know if a feature flag is on or off. For more complex scenarios, like dynamically changing the feature's behavior, use getFeatureFlagVariables
Adding data points to target a user or filter / breakdown visits in reports
To target a user, ensure you’ve added relevant data points to their profile before retrieving the feature variation or checking if the flag is active. Use the addData()
method to add these data points to the user’s profile.
To retrieve data points that have been collected on other devices or to access past data points about a user (which would have been collected client-side if you are using Kameleoon in Hybrid mode), use the getRemoteVisitorData()
method. This method asynchronously fetches data from our servers. However, it is important you call getRemoteVisitorData()
before retrieving the variation or checking if the feature flag is active, as this data might be required to assign a user to a given variation of a feature flag.
To learn more about available targeting conditions, read our detailed article on the subject.
Additionally, the data points you add to the visitor profile will be available when analyzing your experiments, allowing you to filter and break down your results by factors like device and browser. Remember to call the flush()
method to send saved data to the Kameleoon servers.
If you need to track additional data points beyond what's automatically collected, you can use Kameleoon's Custom Data feature. Custom Data allows you to capture and analyze specific information relevant to your experiments. To ensure your results are accurate, it's recommended to filter out bots by using the userAgent
data type. You can learn more about this here. Don't forget to call the flush()
method to send the collected data to Kameleoon servers for analysis.
Tracking flag exposition and goal conversions
Kameleoon will automatically track visitors’ exposition to flags as soon as you call one of these methods:
When a user completes a desired action (for example, making a purchase), it counts as a conversion. To track conversions, you must use the trackConversion()
method, and provide the visitorCode
and goalId
Targeting conditions
The Kameleoon SDKs support a variety of predefined targeting conditions that you can use to target users in your campaigns. For the list of conditions this SDK supports, see use visit history to target users.
You can also use your own external data to target users.
The SDK generates logs to reflect various internal processes and issues.
Log levels
The SDK supports configuring limiting logging by a log level.
// The `none` log level does not allow logging.
// The `error` log level only allows logging issues that may affect the SDK's main behaviour.
// The `warning` log level allows logging issues which may require additional attention.
// It extends the `error` log level.
// The `warning` log level is a default log level.
// The `info` log level allows logging general information on the SDK's internal processes.
// It extends the `warning` log level.
// The `debug` log level allows logging extra information on the SDK's internal processes.
// It extends the `info` log level.
Custom handling of logs
The SDK writes its logs to the console output by default. This behaviour can be overridden.
Logging limiting by a log level is performed apart from the log handling logic.
import 'package:logging/logging.dart' as logging;
class CustomLogger extends Logger {
final logger = logging.Logger("CustomLogger");
// `log` method accepts logs from the SDK
void log(LogLevel level, String message) {
// Custom log handling logic here. For example:
switch (level) {
case LogLevel.error:
case LogLevel.warning:
case LogLevel.info:
case LogLevel.debug:
// Log level filtering is applied separately from log handling logic.
// The custom logger will only accept logs that meet or exceed the specified log level.
// Ensure the log level is set correctly.
KameleoonLogger.setLogLevel(LogLevel.debug); // Optional, defaults to `LogLevel.warning`.
Error Handling
Handling errors is considered a good practice to make your application more stable and avoid technical issues. Most KameleoonClient
methods can throw a KameleoonException
Since it can be difficult to patch the SDK version on the Android client side, we recommended that you enclose every SDK method in a try
clause that catches the KameleoonException
as well as the Throwable
error type to prevent other fatal errors.
For example:
try {
// Calling a method of the SDK
} on KameleoonException {
// Handling expected exceptions
} on Exception {
// Any other error
This is a full reference documentation of the Flutter SDK.
Once you have installed the SDK in your application, the first step is to initialize Kameleoon. All of your application's interactions with the SDK, such as triggering an experiment, are accomplished using this Kameleoon client object.
Call this method before any others to initialize the SDK. This method is in KameleoonClientFactory
. Your app conducts all interactions with the SDK using the resulting KameleoonClient
object that this method creates.
You can customize the behavior of the SDK (for example, the environment, the credentials, and so on) by providing a configuration object. Otherwise, the SDK tries to find your configuration file and uses it instead.
import 'package:kameleoon_client_flutter/kameleoon_client_flutter.dart'
final siteCode = "a8st4f59bj";
try {
// pass client configuration and visitorCode as arguments
final config = KameleoonClientConfig(
refreshIntervalMinutes: 15, // 60 minutes by default, optional
defaultTimeoutMilliseconds: 10000, // 10_000 milliseconds by default, optional
dataExpirationIntervalMinutes: 1440 * 365, // infinity by default, optional
trackingIntervalMilliseconds: 500, // 1000 milliseconds by default, optional
environment: "staging", // optional
isUniqueIdentifier: false, // false by default, optional
domain: "example.com" // web only option, optional
final visitorCode = "yourVisitorCode";
final kameleoonClient = KameleoonClientFactory.create(siteCode, visitorCode: visitorCode, config: config);
} on SiteCodeIsEmpty catch (ex) {
// Exception indicates that the provided siteCode is empty
} on VisitorCodeInvalid catch (ex) {
// Exception indicates that the provided visitorCode is invalid
} on Exception catch (ex) {
// Any other error
try {
// generate visitorCode automatically and use default Kameleoon client config
final kameleoonClient = KameleoonClientFactory.create(siteCode);
} on SiteCodeIsEmpty catch (ex) {
// Exception indicates that the provided siteCode is empty
} on Exception catch (ex) {
// Any other error
Name | Type | Description | Default |
siteCode (required) | String | A unique key identifying the Kameleoon project used with the SDK. | |
visitorCode (optional) | String | An optional visitor identifier. If available, use your internal user ID; otherwise, the SDK will generate one automatically. | nil |
config (optional) | KameleoonClientConfig | If the SDK configuration is not provided, the SDK will automatically use the default settings. | nil |
Return value
Type | Description |
KameleoonClient | An instance of the KameleoonClient class that your app can then use to manage your experiments and feature flags. |
Exceptions thrown
Type | Description |
VisitorCodeInvalid | Exception indicating that the provided visitor code is not valid. It is either empty or longer than 255 characters. |
SiteCodeIsEmpty | Exception indicating that the specified site code is empty string which is invalid value. |
For mobile SDKs, the Kameleoon Client can't initialize immediately as it needs to perform a server call to retrieve the current configuration for the active feature flags. Use this method to check if the SDK is ready by calling this method before triggering any feature flags.
Alternatively, you can use a callback (see the runWhenReady()
method for details).
final ready = kameleoonClient.isReady();
Return value
Name | Type | Description |
ready | bool | Boolean representing the status of the SDK (properly initialized, or not yet ready to be used). |
For mobile SDKs, the Kameleoon Client can't initialize immediately as it needs to perform a server call to retrieve the current configuration for all active feature flags. Use the runWhenReady()
method of the KameleoonClient
class to pass a callback that will be executed as soon as the SDK is ready for use. It also allows you to set a timeout.
The callback given as the first argument to this method must be an instance of a type of Function(bool ready)
. If the ready
equals true
, the Kameleoon client is ready and should contain code that triggers a feature flags and implements variations. Otherwise, the specified timeout will occur before the client is initialized. The callback should contain code that implements the reference variation, as the user will be excluded from the feature flag if a timeout occurs.
kameleoonClient.runWhenReady((ready) async {
final defaultProductsNumber = 5;
if (ready) {
late int recommendedProductsNumber;
try {
recommendedProductsNumber = await kameleoonClient.getFeatureVariable("feature_key", "product_number");
} on Exception {
recommendedProductsNumber = defaultProductsNumber;
} else {
recommendedProductsNumber = defaultProductsNumber;
setState(() {
_recommendedProductsNumber = recommendedProductsNumber;
}, 2000);
Name | Type | Description |
callback (required) | Function(bool) | Callback object with ready flag. |
timeout (optional) | Duration | Timeout (in milliseconds). If not provided, it will use the default value of defaultTimeoutMilliseconds (from KameleoonClientConfig ) milliseconds. |
Feature flags and variations
- 📨 Sends Tracking Data to Kameleoon
To activate a feature toggle, call this method. This method accepts a featureKey
as required argument to check if the specified feature will be active for a visitor.
If the visitor has never been associated with this feature flag, this method returns a random boolean value (true
if the visitor should be shown this feature, otherwise false
). If the visitor is already registered with this feature flag, this method returns the previous feature flag value.
Make sure to set up proper error handling as shown in the example code to catch potential exceptions.
String featureKey = "new_checkout";
bool hasNewCheckout = false;
try {
hasNewCheckout = await kameleoonClient.isFeatureActive(featureKey);
} on SDKNotReady {
// Exception indicates that the SDK has not completed its initialization yet.
} on FeatureNotFound {
// The error has occurred; feature flag isn't found in current configuration.
} on PlatformException {
// Generic exception in native plugin integration occurred.
} on Exception {
// Any other error
if (hasNewCheckout) {
// Implement new checkout code here
Name | Type | Description |
featureKey | String | Unique key of the feature you want to expose to a user. This field is required. |
track | bool | An optional parameter to enable or disable tracking of the feature evaluation (true by default). |
Return value
Type | Description |
Future<bool> | Value of the feature that is registered for a visitor. |
Exceptions thrown
Type | Description |
SDKNotReady | Exception indicating that the SDK has not completed its initialization yet. |
FeatureNotFound | Exception indicating that the requested feature ID was not found in the internal configuration of the SDK. This usually means the feature flag has not been activated on the Kameleoon side (but code implementing the feature is already deployed in the application). |
PlatformException | Exception indicating that the native plugin integration works incorrectly. |
- 📨 Sends Tracking Data to Kameleoon (depending on the
Retrieves the Variation
assigned to a given visitor for a specific feature flag.
This method takes featureKey
as a mandatory argument and track
as an optional argument. The track
argument is optional and defaults to true
It returns the assigned Variation
for the visitor. If the visitor is not associated with any feature flag rules, the method returns the default Variation
for the given feature flag.
Ensure that proper error handling is implemented in your code to manage potential exceptions.
The default variation refers to the variation assigned to a visitor when they do not match any predefined delivery rules for a feature flag. In other words, it is the fallback variation applied to all users who are not targeted by specific rules. It's represented as the variation in the "Then, for everyone else..." section in a management interface.
final String featureKey = "featureKey";
Variation? variation;
try {
variation = await client.getVariation(featureKey);
// disabling tracking
variation = await client.getVariation(featureKey, track: false);
} on SDKNotReady {
// Exception indicating that the SDK has not completed its initialization yet.
} on FeatureNotFound {
// The feature key is not in the configuration file that has been fetched by the SDK.
} on FeatureEnvironmentDisabled {
// The feature flag is disabled for the environment.
String? title = variation?.variables['title']?.value;
switch (variation?.key) {
case "on":
// Main variation key is selected for visitorCode
case "alternative_variation":
// Alternative variation key
// Default variation key
Name | Type | Description | Default |
featureKey (required) | String | Key of the feature you want to expose to a user. | |
track (optional) | boolean | An optional parameter to enable or disable tracking of the feature evaluation. | true |
Return value
Type | Description |
Future<Variation> | An assigned Variation to a given visitor for a specific feature flag. |
Exceptions thrown
Type | Description |
SDKNotReady | Exception indicating that the SDK is not fully initialized yet. |
FeatureNotFound | Exception indicating that the requested feature key wasn't found in the internal configuration of the SDK. This usually means that the feature flag is not activated in the Kameleoon app (but code implementing the feature is already deployed on your application). |
FeatureEnvironmentDisabled | Exception indicating that feature flag is disabled for the visitor's current environment (for example, production, staging, or development). |
- 📨 Sends Tracking Data to Kameleoon (depending on the
Retrieves a map of Variation
objects assigned to a given visitor across all feature flags.
This method iterates over all available feature flags and returns the assigned Variation
for each flag associated with the specified visitor. It takes onlyActive
and track
as optional arguments.
- If
is set totrue
, the methodgetVariations()
will return feature flags variations provided the user is not bucketed with theoff
variation. - The
parameter controls whether or not the method will track the variation assignments. By default, it is set totrue
. If set tofalse
, the tracking will be disabled.
The returned map consists of feature flag keys as keys and their corresponding Variation
as values. If no variation is assigned for a feature flag, the method returns the default Variation
for that flag.
Proper error handling should be implemented to manage potential exceptions.
The default variation refers to the variation assigned to a visitor when they do not match any predefined delivery rules for a feature flag. In other words, it is the fallback variation applied to all users who are not targeted by specific rules. It's represented as the variation in the "Then, for everyone else..." section in a management interface.
try {
Map<String, Variation> variations = await kameleoonClient.getVariations();
// only active variations
Map<String, Variation> variations = await kameleoonClient.getVariations(onlyActive: true);
// disable tracking
Map<String, Variation> variations = await kameleoonClient.getVariations(onlyActive: false, track: false);
} on SDKNotReady {
// Exception indicating that the SDK has not completed its initialization yet.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
onlyActive (optional) | boolean | An optional parameter indicating whether to return variations for active (true ) or all (false ) feature flags. | false |
track (optional) | boolean | An optional parameter to enable or disable tracking of the feature evaluation. | true |
Return value
Type | Description |
Future<Map<String, Variation>> | Map that contains the assigned Variation objects of the feature flags using the keys of the corresponding features. |
Exceptions thrown
Type | Description |
SDKNotReady | Exception indicating that the SDK is not fully initialized yet. |
- 📨 Sends Tracking Data to Kameleoon
This method is deprecated and will be removed in SDK version 4.0.0
. Use getVariation()
Use this method to get the feature variation key for a visitor. This method takes a featureKey
as required argument to retrieve the variation key for the specified user.
If the visitor has never been associated with this feature flag, the SDK returns a randomly assigned variation key (according to the feature flag rules). If the visitor is already registered with this feature flag, this method returns the previous variation key. If the user does not match any of the rules, the default value will be returned, which is defined in your customer's account.
Make sure you set up proper error handling as shown in the example code to catch potential exceptions.
String featureKey = "new_checkout";
String variationKey = "";
try {
variationKey = await kameleoonClient.getFeatureVariationKey(featureKey);
} on SDKNotReady {
// Exception indicates that the SDK has not completed its initialization yet.
} on FeatureNotFound {
// The error has occurred; feature flag isn't found in current configuration.
} on FeatureEnvironmentDisabled {
// The feature flag is disabled for the environment.
} on PlatformException {
// Generic exception in native plugin integration occurred.
} on Exception {
// Any other error.
switch(variationKey) {
case 'on':
// Main variation key is selected for visitorCode
case 'alternative_variation':
// Alternative variation key
// Default variation key
Name | Type | Description |
featureKey | String | Key of the feature you want to expose to a user. This field is mandatory. |
Return value
Type | Description |
Future<String> | Variation key of the feature flag that is registered for a visitor. |
Exceptions thrown
Type | Description |
SDKNotReady | Exception indicating that the SDK has not completed its initialization yet. |
FeatureNotFound | Exception indicating that the requested feature ID was not found in the internal configuration of the SDK. This usually means the feature flag has not been activated on the Kameleoon side (but code implementing the feature is already deployed in the application). |
PlatformException | Exception indicating that the native plugin integration works incorrectly. |
Returns a list of feature flag keys currently available for the SDK.
try {
final allFeatureFlagKeys = await kameleoonClient.getFeatureList();
} on PlatformException {
// Generic exception in native plugin integration occurred.
Return value
Type | Description |
Future<List<String>> | List of feature flag keys |
- This method is deprecated and will be removed in SDK version
. UsegetVariations()
instead. - Previously named:
which was removed in SDK version4.0.0
method retrieves information about the active feature flags that are available for the visitor.
try {
final activeFeatures = await kameleoonClient.getActiveFeatures();
} on PlatformException {
// Generic exception in native plugin integration occurred.
Return value
Type | Description |
Future<Map<String, Variation>> | Map that contains the assigned variations of the active features using the keys of the corresponding active features. |
Feature variables
- 📨 Sends Tracking Data to Kameleoon
- This method is deprecated and will be removed in SDK version
. UsegetVariation()
instead. - This method was previously named
, which was removed in SDK version3.0.0
This method gets a variable value of variation key for a specific user. It takes a featureKey
, and variableKey
as required arguments.
If the visitor has never been associated with the featureKey
, the SDK returns a randomly assigned variable value for the specified variation key (according to the feature flag rules). If the visitor is already registered with this feature flag, this method returns the variable value for previously registered variation. If the user does not match any of the rules, the default variable value is returned.
Make sure you set up proper error handling as shown in the example code to catch potential exceptions.
String featureKey = "feature_key";
String variableKey = "product_number";
int recommendedProductsNumber = 5;
try {
recommendedProductsNumber = await kameleoonClient.getFeatureVariable(featureKey, variableKey);
} on SDKNotReady {
// Exception indicates that the SDK has not completed its initialization yet.
} on FeatureNotFound {
// The error has occurred; feature flag isn't found in current configuration.
} on FeatureEnvironmentDisabled {
// The feature flag is disabled for the environment.
} on FeatureVariableNotFound {
// Requested variable not defined in Kameleoon.
} on PlatformException {
// Generic exception in native plugin integration occurred.
} on Exception {
// Any other error.
setState(() {
_recommendedProductsNumber = recommendedProductsNumber;
Name | Type | Description |
featureKey | String | Key of the feature you want to expose to a user. This field is mandatory. |
variableKey | String | Name of the variable you want to get a value. This field is mandatory. |
Return value
Type | Description |
Future<dynamic> | Value of variable of variation that is registered for a visitor for this feature flag. Possible types: bool , int , double , String , List , Map |
Exceptions thrown
Type | Description |
SDKNotReady | Exception indicating that the SDK has not completed its initialization yet. |
FeatureNotFound | Exception indicating that the requested feature ID was not found in the internal configuration of the SDK. This usually means the feature flag has not been activated on the Kameleoon side (but code implementing the feature is already deployed in the application). |
FeatureEnvironmentDisabled | Exception indicating that feature flag is disabled for the visitor's current environment (for example, production, staging, or development). |
FeatureVariableNotFound | Exception indicating that the specified variable was not found. Check that the variable key in the Kameleon app matches the one in your code. |
PlatformException | Exception indicating that the native plugin integration works incorrectly. |
- This method is deprecated and will be removed in SDK version
. UsegetVariation()
instead. - This method was previously named:
, which was removed in SDK version4.0.0
To retrieve all of the variables for a feature, call this method. You can modify your feature variables in the Kameleoon app.
This method takes one input parameter: featureKey
. It returns the data as a Map<String, Object>
type, as defined in the Kameleoon app. It throws an exception (FeatureNotFound
) if the requested feature was not found in the internal configuration of the SDK.
final featureKey = "featureKey";
final variationKey = "variationKey";
try {
final allVariables = await client.getFeatureVariationVariables(featureKey, variationKey);
} on SDKNotReady {
// Exception indicates that the SDK has not completed its initialization yet.
} on FeatureNotFound {
// The error has occurred; feature flag isn't found in current configuration.
} on FeatureEnvironmentDisabled {
// The feature flag is disabled for the environment.
} on PlatformException {
// Generic exception in native plugin integration occurred.
} on Exception {
// Any other error.
Name | Type | Description |
featureKey | String | Identificator key of the feature you need to obtain. This field is mandatory. |
variationKey | String | The key of the variation you want to obtain. This field is mandatory. |
Return value
Type | Description |
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> | Data associated with this feature flag. The values of can be a int, double, bool, String, List or Map (depending on the type defined on the web interface). |
Exceptions thrown
Type | Description |
FeatureNotFound | Exception indicating that the requested feature has not been found in the internal configuration of the SDK. This is usually normal and means that the feature flag has not yet been activated on Kameleoon''s side. |
FeatureEnvironmentDisabled | Exception indicating that feature flag is disabled for the visitor's current environment (for example, production, staging, or development). |
FeatureVariationNotFound | Exception indicating that the requested variation ID has not been found in the internal configuration of the SDK. This is usually normal and means that the variation's corresponding experiment has not yet been activated on Kameleoon's side. |
PlatformException | Exception indicating that the native plugin integration works incorrectly. |
- 📨 Sends Tracking Data to Kameleoon
This asynchronous method tracks conversions in your application. This method requires goalID
to track conversion for a particular goal. In addition, this method also accepts revenue
as a second optional argument to track revenue.
This method doesn't return any values. This method is non-blocking as the server call is made asynchronously.
try {
kameleoonClient.trackConversion(goalId); // default revenue
kameleoonClient.trackConversion(goalId, 10); // provided revenue == 10
} on PlatformException {
// Generic exception in native plugin integration occurred.
Name | Type | Description |
goalId | int | ID of the goal. This field is mandatory. |
revenue | double | Revenue of the conversion. This field is optional. |
This method was previously named updateConfigurationHandler
, which was removed in SDK version 3.0.0
The onUpdateConfiguration()
method allows you to handle the event when configuration has updated data. It takes one input parameter, handler. The handler that will be called when the configuration is updated using a real-time configuration event.
kameleoonClient.onUpdateConfiguration((timestamp) {
// timestamp value contains the value of Unix time (number of seconds elapsed since January 1, 1970) when configuration was updated.
Name | Type | Description |
handler | Function(int)? | The handler that will be called when the configuration is updated using a real-time configuration event. |
Visitor data
Returns unique visitor code used in SDK.
final visitorCode = await kameleoonClient.getVisitorCode();
Return value
Type | Description |
Future<String> | String representing a unique visitor code used in SDK. |
The addData()
method adds targeting data to storage so other methods can use the data to decide whether or not to target the current visitor.
The addData()
method does not return any value and does not interact with Kameleoon back-end servers on its own. Instead, all the declared data is saved for future transmission using the flush()
method. This approach reduces the number of server calls made, as the data is typically grouped into a single server call that is triggered the flush()
The trackConversion()
method also sends out any previously associated data, just like the flush()
. The same holds true for getVariation()
and getVariations()
methods if an experimentation rule is triggered.
Each visitor can only have one instance of associated data for most data types. However, CustomData
is an exception. Visitors can have one instance of associated CustomData
per index.
try {
await kameleoonClient.addData([
CustomData(1, "some custom value"),
Conversion(32, 10f, false),
} on PlatformException {
// Generic exception in native plugin integration occurred.
Name | Type | Description |
data (required) | List<Data> | Collection of Kameleoon data types. |
Type | Description |
PlatformException | Exception indicating that the native plugin integration works incorrectly. |
- 📨 Sends Tracking Data to Kameleoon
Data associated with the current user via the addData()
method is not sent immediately to the server. It is stored and accumulated until it is sent automatically by the trackConversion()
method, or manually sent by calling the flush()
method. This allows you to control exactly when the data is flushed to our servers. For example, if you call the addData()
method a dozen times, it would waste resources to send data to the server after each addData()
invocation. Just call flush()
once at the end.
The flush()
method doesn't return any value. This method is non-blocking as the server call is made asynchronously.
kameleoonClient.flush(); // Interval tracking (most performant tracking method)
kameleoonClient.flush(instant: true); // Instant tracking
Exceptions thrown
Type | Description |
PlatformException | Exception indicating that the native plugin integration works incorrectly. |
This method was previously named retrieveDataFromRemoteSource
, which was removed in SDK version 3.0.0
Use this method to retrieve data from a remote Kameleoon server based on your active siteCode
and the key
argument (or the active visitorCode
if you omit the key
). The visitorCode
and siteCode
are specified in KameleoonClientFactory.create()
. You can quickly and conveniently store data on our highly scalable remote servers using the Kameleoon Data API. Your application can then retrieve the data using this method.
Note that since a server call is required, this mechanism is asynchronous.
try {
final data = await kameleoonClient.getRemoteData("test");
} on PlatformException {
// Generic exception in native plugin integration occurred.
} on Exception {
// Any other error (including network issues).
Name | Type | Description |
key | String | The key that the data you try to get is associated with. This field is optional. |
Return value
Type | Description |
Future<dynamic> | Future with retrieving data for specific key (or visitorCode if key is omitted). |
Type | Description |
PlatformException | Exception indicating that the native plugin integration works incorrectly. |
Exception | Exception indicating that the request timed out or any other reason of failure. |
is an asynchronous method for retrieving Kameleoon Visits Data for the visitorCode
from the Kameleoon Data API. The method adds the data to storage for other methods to use when making targeting decisions.
Data obtained using this method plays an important role when you want to:
- use data collected from other devices.
- access a user's history, such as custom data collected during previous visits.
Read this article for a better understanding of possible use cases.
By default, getRemoteVisitorData()
automatically retrieves the latest stored custom data with scope=Visitor
and attaches them to the visitor without the need to call the method addData()
. It is particularly useful for synchronizing custom data between multiple devices.
// Visitor data will be fetched and automatically added for `visitorCode`.
try {
final visitorData = await kameleoonClient.getRemoteVisitorData();
} on PlatformException {
// Generic exception in native plugin integration occurred.
} on Exception {
// Any other error (including network issues).
// If you only want to fetch data and add it yourself manually, set addData == `false`.
try {
final visitorData = await kameleoonClient.getRemoteVisitorData(addData: false);
} on PlatformException {
// Generic exception in native plugin integration occurred.
} on Exception {
// Any other error (including network issues).
// If you want to fetch custom list of data types
final filter = RemoteVisitorDataFilter.withValues(
previousVisitAmount: 25,
currentVisit: true,
conversions: true,
try {
final visitorData = await kameleoonClient.getRemoteVisitorData(filter: filter, addData: false);
} on PlatformException {
// Generic exception in native plugin integration occurred.
} on Exception {
// Any other error (including network issues).
Name | Type | Description |
filter | RemoteVisitorDataFilter | Filter that selects which data should be retrieved from visit history. By default, getRemoteVisitorData retrieves CustomData from the current and latest previous visit (RemoteVisitorDataFilter() ). All other filters parameters default to false . This field is optional. |
addData | boolean | A boolean indicating whether the method should automatically add retrieved data for a visitor. If not specified, the default value is true. This field is optional. |
Return value
Type | Description |
Future<List<Data>> | An array containing the fetched data for the visitor. |
Exceptions thrown
Type | Description |
PlatformException | Exception indicating that the native plugin integration works incorrectly. |
Exception | Exception indicating that the request timed out or any other reason of failure. |
Using parameters in getRemoteVisitorData()
The getRemoteVisitorData()
method offers flexibility by allowing you to define various parameters when retrieving data on visitors. Whether you're targeting based on goals, experiments, or variations, the same approach applies across all data types.
For example, let's say you want to retrieve data on visitors who completed a goal "Order transaction". You can specify parameters within the getRemoteVisitorData()
method to refine your targeting. For instance, if you want to target only users who converted on the goal in their last five visits, you can set the previousVisitAmount
parameter to 5 and conversions
to true.
The flexibility shown in this example is not limited to goal data. You can use parameters within the getRemoteVisitorData()
method to retrieve data on a variety of visitor behaviors.
Here is the list of available RemoteVisitorDataFilter
Name | Type | Description | Default |
previousVisitAmount (optional) | int | Number of previous visits to retrieve data from. Number between 1 and 25 | 1 |
currentVisit (optional) | boolean | If true, current visit data will be retrieved. | true |
customData (optional) | boolean | If true, custom data will be retrieved. | true |
geolocation (optional) | boolean | If true, geolocation data will be retrieved. | false |
conversions (optional) | boolean | If true, conversion data will be retrieved. | false |
experiments (optional) | boolean | If true, experiment data will be retrieved. | false |
pageViews (optional, web only) | boolean | If true, page data will be retrieved. | false |
device (optional, web only) | boolean | If true, device data will be retrieved. | false |
browser (optional, web only) | boolean | If true, browser data will be retrieved. | false |
operatingSystem (optional, web only) | boolean | If true, operating system data will be retrieved. | false |
Retrieves all audience data associated with the visitor in your data warehouse. The optional warehouseKey
parameter is typically your internal user ID. The customDataIndex
parameter corresponds to the Kameleoon custom data that Kameleoon uses to target your visitors. You can refer to the warehouse targeting documentation for additional details. The method returns the result as a CustomData
object, confirming that the data has been added to the visitor and is available for targeting purposes.
Since a server call is required, this mechanism is asynchronous.
try {
final customData = await kameleoonClient.getVisitorWarehouseAudience(customDataIndex);
} on PlatformException {
// Generic exception in native plugin integration occurred.
} on Exception {
// Any other error (including network issues).
// If you need to specify warehouse key
try {
final customData = await kameleoonClient.getVisitorWarehouseAudience(customDataIndex, "warehouseKey");
} on PlatformException {
// Generic exception in native plugin integration occurred.
} on Exception {
// Any other error (including network issues).
Name | Type | Description |
visitorCode | string | A unique visitor identification string, can't exceed 255 characters length. |
customDataIndex | int | An integer representing the index of the custom data you want to use to target your BigQuery Audiences. |
warehouseKey | string | A unique key to identify the warehouse data (usually, your internal user ID). This field is optional. |
Return value
Type | Description |
Future<CustomData> | A CustomData instance confirming that the data has been added to the visitor. |
Exceptions thrown
Type | Description |
PlatformException | Exception indicating that the native plugin integration works incorrectly. |
Exception | Exception indicating that the request timed out or any other reason of failure. |
You must use this method to specify whether the visitor has given legal consent to use their personal data. Setting the consent
parameter to false
limits the types of data that you can include in tracking requests. This helps you adhere to legal and regulatory requirements while responsibly managing visitor data. You can find more information on personal data in the consent management policy.
try {
final customData = await kameleoonClient.setLegalConsent(true);
} on PlatformException {
// Generic exception in native plugin integration occurred.
} on Exception {
// Any other error (including network issues).
Name | Type | Description |
consent | boolean | A boolean value representing the legal consent status. true indicates the visitor has given legal consent, false indicates the visitor has never provided, or has withdrawn, legal consent. This field is required. |
Exceptions thrown
Type | Description |
PlatformException | Exception indicating that the native plugin integration works incorrectly. |
Data types
This section lists the Data
types supported by Kameleoon. We provide several standard data types as well as the CustomData
type that allows you to define custom data types.
The data type is available for both types of SDKs: Mobile & Web.
Store information about conversion events.
Name | Type | Description |
goalId | String | ID of the goal. This field is mandatory. |
revenue | double | Conversion revenue. This field is optional. |
negative | bool | Defines if the revenue is positive or negative. This field is optional. |
try {
await kameleoonClient.addData([Conversion(32, 10, false)]);
} on PlatformException {
// Generic exception in native plugin integration occurred.
The data type is available for both types of SDKs: Mobile & Web.
Define your own custom data types in the Kameleoon app or the Data API and use them from the SDK.
Name | Type | Description |
id | int | Index / ID of the custom data to be stored. This field is mandatory. |
value | String | Value of the custom data to be stored. This field is mandatory. |
The index (ID) of the custom data is available on our Back-Office, in the Custom data configuration page. Be careful: this index starts at 0, so the first custom data you create for a given site would have the ID 0, not 1.
try {
await kameleoonClient.addData([CustomData(1, "some custom value")]);
} on PlatformException {
// Generic exception in native plugin integration occurred.
The data type is available for both types of SDKs: Mobile & Web.
Store information about the user's device.
Name | Type | Description |
device | Devices | List of devices: phone , table , desktop . This field is mandatory. |
try {
await kameleoonClient.addData([Device(Devices.phone)]);
} on PlatformException {
// Generic exception in native plugin integration occurred.
The data type is available for both types of SDKs: Mobile & Web.
contains the visitor's geolocation details.
Name | Type | Description |
country (required) | String | The country of the visitor. |
region (optional) | String? | The region of the visitor. |
city (optional) | String? | The city of the visitor. |
postalCode (optional) | String? | The postal code of the visitor. |
latitude (optional) | double? | The latitude coordinate representing the location of the visitor. Coordinate number represents decimal degrees. |
longitude (optional) | double? | The longitude coordinate representing the location of the visitor. Coordinate number represents decimal degrees. |
- Each visitor can have only one
. Adding a secondGeolocation
overwrites the first one.
try {
await kameleoonClient.addData([Geolocation("France", region: "Île-de-France", city: "Paris")]);
} on PlatformException {
// Generic exception in native plugin integration occurred.
The data type is available only for Web SDK
The Browser
data set stored here can be used to filter experiment and personalization reports by any value associated with it.
Name | Type | Description |
browser (required) | Browsers | List of browsers: chrome , internetExplorer , firefox , safari , opera , other . |
version (optional) | double? | Version of the browser, floating point number represents major and minor version of the browser |
try {
await kameleoonClient.addData([Browser(Browsers.chrome)]);
await kameleoonClient.addData([Browser(Browsers.chrome, 10.0)]);
} on PlatformException {
// Generic exception in native plugin integration occurred.
The data type is available only for Web SDK
Name | Type | Description |
url | String | URL of the page viewed. This field is mandatory. |
title | String | Title of the page viewed. This field is mandatory. |
referrers | List<int> | Referrers of viewed pages. This field is optional. |
The index (ID) of the referrer is available on our Back-Office, in the Acquisition channel configuration page. Be careful: this index starts at 0, so the first acquisition channel you create for a given site would have the ID 0, not 1.
try {
await kameleoonClient.addData([PageView("https://url.com", "title", [3])]);
} on PlatformException {
// Generic exception in native plugin integration occurred.
The data type is available only for Web SDK
contains information about the operating system on the visitor's device.
Each visitor can only have one OperatingSystem
. Adding a second OperatingSystem
overwrites the first one.
Name | Type | Description |
type | OperatingSystems | List of operating systems: windows , mac , ios , linux , android , windowsPhone . This field is required. |
try {
await kameleoonClient.addData([OperatingSystem(OperatingSystem.linux)]);
} on PlatformException {
// Generic exception in native plugin integration occurred.
The data type is available only for Web SDK
contains information about the cookie stored on the visitor's device.
Name | Type | Description |
cookies | Map<String, String> | A string object map consisting of cookie keys and values. This field is required. |
Each visitor can only have one Cookie
. Adding second Cookie
overwrites the first one.
try {
await kameleoonClient.addData([Cookie({
"my_key1": "my_value1",
"my_key2": "my_value2"
} on PlatformException {
// Generic exception in native plugin integration occurred.
Returned Types
contains information about the assigned variation to the visitor (or the default variation, if no specific assignment exists).
Name | Type | Description |
key | String | The unique key identifying the variation. |
id | int? | The ID of the assigned variation (or -1 if it's the default variation). |
experimentId | int? | The ID of the experiment associated with the variation (or -1 if default). |
variables | Map<String, Variable> | A map containing the variables of the assigned variation, keyed by variable names. This could be an empty collection if no variables are associated. |
- The
object provides details about the assigned variation and its associated experiment, while theVariable
object contains specific details about each variable within a variation. - Ensure that your code handles the case where
may be-1
, indicating a default variation. - The
map might be empty if no variables are associated with the variation.
// Retrieving the variation key
var variationKey = variation.key
// Retrieving the variation id
var variationId = variation.id
// Retrieving the experiment id
var experimentId = variation.experimentId
// Retrieving the variables map
var variables = variation.variables
contains information about a variable associated with the assigned variation.
Name | Type | Description |
key | String | The unique key identifying the variable. |
type | String | The type of the variable. Possible values: BOOLEAN, NUMBER, STRING, JSON. |
value | dynamic | The value of the variable, which can be of the following types: bool, int, double, String, Map<String, dynamic> (json object), [dynamic] (json array). |
// Retrieving the variables map
var variables = variation.variables
// Variable type can be retrieved for further processing
var type = variables["isDiscount"]?.type ?? ""
// Retrieving the variable value by key
var isDiscount = variables["isDiscount"]?.value as bool? ?? false
// Variable value can be of different types
var title = variables["title"]?.value as String? ?? ""