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GET /visit/visitor

This endpoint returns the activity feed for a given user. It can be used to retrieve visits data collected by Kameleoon such as experiments and personalizations being triggered for the user or targeted segments.

Query Parameters
  • siteCode string required

    Id of the Kameleoon project

  • currentVisit boolean

    Set to true if you would like to get data for the current visit. Note: it is strongly recommended to provide the parameter "visitorCode" in that case. In the contrary, the last known visitor code associated to the provided mapping value is used to retrieve the current visit of the visitor. See descriptions of the parameters "visitorCode" and "mappingValue"

  • maxNumberPreviousVisits int32 required

    The maximum number of previous visits to return. Note: cross-device visitor history reconciliation of previous visits is performed if the parameter "mappingValue" is provided. In the contrary, the provided visitor code is used to retrieve the previous visits of the visitor

  • visitorCode string

    Visitor code (Kameleoon unique id for a visitor). Note: it is required if the parameter "mappingValue" is not provided. See descriptions of the parameters "currentVisit" and "maxNumberPreviousVisits"

  • mappingValue string

    Value of the custom data configured as a mapping identifier (acting as a visitor cross-device id) if applicable. Note: it is required if the parameter "visitorCode" is not provided. See descriptions of the parameters "currentVisit" and "maxNumberPreviousVisits"

  • all boolean

    Set to true if you would like to get all events (conversion, page, experiment, custom data..) for the given user

  • staticData boolean

    Set to true if you would like to get static data events (browser, browser version, device type, OS) for the given user. Note: it is ignored if the parameter "all" is provided with value true

  • page boolean

    Set to true if you would like to get page data events (URLs viewed) for the given user. Note: it is ignored if the parameter "all" is provided with value true

  • conversion boolean

    Set to true if you would like to get conversion events for the given user and for goals you have set up in your Kameleoon account. Note: it is ignored if the parameter "all" is provided with value true

  • targetingSegment boolean

    Set to true if you would like to get the targeted segments id for a given user. Note: it requires Kameleoon Audiences Explorer add-on or Kameleoon AI-Driven Personalization package. It is ignored if the parameter "all" is provided with value true

  • experiment boolean

    Set to true if you would like to get the targeted experiments id and variations id for a given user. Note: it is ignored if the parameter "all" is provided with value true

  • weather boolean

    Set to true if you would like to get weather conditions data (temperature, humidity, pressure...) collected by Kameleoon. Note: it is ignored if the parameter "all" is provided with value true

  • customData boolean

    Set to true if you would like to get custom data events for a given user. Note: only custom data that are not set as "local" can be retrieved. It is ignored if the parameter "all" is provided with value true

  • product boolean

    Set to true if you would like to get product events (product eans viewed) for a given user. Note: it is ignored if the parameter "all" is provided with value true

  • personalization boolean

    Set to true if you would like to get the targeted personalizations id and variations id for a given user. Note: it is ignored if the parameter "all" is provided with value true

  • geolocation boolean

    Set to true if you would like to get the geolocation data (country, region, city, postalcode, lattitude..) for a given user. Note: it is ignored if the parameter "all" is provided with value true

  • prettyPrint boolean

    Set to true if you would like a "pretty" printed response

Request Body
  • siteCode string
  • customerConfiguration object
  • dataCenter string
  • timeZoneId string
  • useProducts boolean
  • muv int64
  • siteConfiguration object
  • customerId int64
  • timeCreated int64
  • useMentalist boolean
  • useRemoteVisitorSync boolean
  • remoteVisitorSyncItpOnly boolean
  • useSdkBotFiltering boolean
  • useLastEventsView boolean
  • useDelayedEvents boolean
  • delayedEventsMaxDaysLate int32
  • dataRetentionPeriodInMonths int32

Successful operation, youngest visits are rendered = JSON object {"currentVisit": <value = <visit>>, "previousVisits": <value = JSON array of <visit>>}, with <visit> = JSON object {"<field>": <value = any JSON type>} ("currentVisit" optional key)
