GET /product/productCounters
This endpoint can be used to retrieve counts (number of views, add to cart quantities, transaction quantities) for several products.
Query Parameters
- siteCode string required
Id of the Kameleoon project
- eans string required
List of product Ids / EANs, encoded as JSON array, e.g. ["ean1","ean2"]
- timeBegin int64
The date (UNIX millisecond timestamp format) to begin querying from. This date is inclusive
- timeEnd int64
The date (UNIX millisecond timestamp format) to query to. This date is exclusive
- prettyPrint boolean
Set to true if you would like a "pretty" printed response
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 403
- 429
- 500
Successful operation, products counters are rendered = JSON object {"<product Id / EAN>": <product counters = JSON object {"v": <number of views = integer⁄int32>, "atcq": <add to cart quantities = integer⁄int32>, "bq": <transaction quantities = integer⁄int32>}>}. Exemple: {"v": 150, "atcq": 24, "bq": 22}>}
Malformed request syntax
Failed authentication (missing token when required, bad token - malformed, expired, invalid signature)
Forbidden user-agent or access denied to restricted resource
Rate limited
Unexpected internal error