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GET /product/productCounters



This endpoint can be used to retrieve counts (number of views, add to cart quantities, transaction quantities) for several products.


Query Parameters

    siteCode stringrequired

    Id of the Kameleoon project

    eans stringrequired

    List of product Ids / EANs, encoded as JSON array, e.g. ["ean1","ean2"]

    timeBegin int64

    The date (UNIX millisecond timestamp format) to begin querying from. This date is inclusive

    timeEnd int64

    The date (UNIX millisecond timestamp format) to query to. This date is exclusive

    prettyPrint boolean

    Set to true if you would like a "pretty" printed response

    Default value: false


Successful operation, products counters are rendered = JSON object {"<product Id / EAN>": <product counters = JSON object {"v": <number of views = integer⁄int32>, "atcq": <add to cart quantities = integer⁄int32>, "bq": <transaction quantities = integer⁄int32>}>}. Exemple: {"v": 150, "atcq": 24, "bq": 22}>}
