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GET /map/map

This endpoint can be used to retrieve data for a given key.

Query Parameters
  • siteCode string required

    Id of the Kameleoon project

  • key string required

    Unique key (usually a visitor code or an internal user ID)

  • prettyPrint boolean

    Set to true if you would like a "pretty" printed response

Request Body
  • siteCode string
  • customerConfiguration object
  • dataCenter string
  • timeZoneId string
  • useProducts boolean
  • muv int64
  • siteConfiguration object
  • customerId int64
  • timeCreated int64
  • useMentalist boolean
  • useRemoteVisitorSync boolean
  • remoteVisitorSyncItpOnly boolean
  • useSdkBotFiltering boolean
  • useLastEventsView boolean
  • useDelayedEvents boolean
  • delayedEventsMaxDaysLate int32
  • dataRetentionPeriodInMonths int32

Successful operation, map is rendered = JSON object {"<field>": <value = any JSON type>}
