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Update variation

Update the variation with given id

Path Parameters
  • variationId int64 required
Request Body required
  • color int32

    Variation color displayed in the editor

  • cssCode string

    New css style for variation

  • customJson string

    Custom JSON for this variation

  • expositionFrequencyDelaySecondsBetweenTwoExpositions int64

    Delay in seconds between two exposures

  • expositionFrequencySameVisit int32

    Frequency of exposure during the same visit

  • expositionFrequencySameVisitor int32

    Frequency of the exposure for the same visitor

  • expositionFrequencySameVisitorDelaySeconds int64

    Delay in seconds between exposure for the same visitor

  • forceNoFlicker boolean
  • id int64

    Unique identifier of the given variation

  • isJsCodeAfterDomReady boolean

    Set to true (which is also the default value) if the code is applied once the DOM is ready.

  • jsCode string

    New javascript code for variation

  • name string required

    Name of given variation

  • redirection object

    Redirection parameters of a variation

  • includeQueryParameters boolean

    In case of global redirection, option to include query parameters from the original url

  • parameters string

    Parameters used for the redirection, in case of parameter redirection

  • type string


    Type of the redirection

  • url string

    URL used for the redirection, in case of global redirection

  • redirectionStrings string deprecated

    Redirect URL used for redirecting variation. Deprecated property: use property 'redirection' instead

  • shadowDom boolean

    ShadowDOM option

  • siteId int64 required

    Unique identifier of the site linked to given variation

  • widgetTemplateInput string

    Widget template input data in JSON format.



  • color int32

    Variation color displayed in the editor

  • cssCode string

    New css style for variation

  • customJson string

    Custom JSON for this variation

  • experimentId int64

    Experiment id for this variation

  • expositionFrequencyDelaySecondsBetweenTwoExpositions int64

    Delay in seconds between two exposures

  • expositionFrequencySameVisit int32

    Frequency of exposure during the same visit

  • expositionFrequencySameVisitor int32

    Frequency of the exposure for the same visitor

  • expositionFrequencySameVisitorDelaySeconds int64

    Delay in seconds between exposure for the same visitor

  • forceNoFlicker boolean
  • id int64

    Unique identifier of the given variation

  • isJsCodeAfterDomReady boolean

    Set to true (which is also the default value) if the code is applied once the DOM is ready.

  • jsCode string

    New javascript code for variation

  • name string required

    Name of given variation

  • redirection object

    Redirection parameters of a variation

  • includeQueryParameters boolean

    In case of global redirection, option to include query parameters from the original url

  • parameters string

    Parameters used for the redirection, in case of parameter redirection

  • type string


    Type of the redirection

  • url string

    URL used for the redirection, in case of global redirection

  • redirectionStrings string deprecated

    Redirect URL used for redirecting variation. Deprecated property: use property 'redirection' instead

  • shadowDom boolean

    ShadowDOM option

  • siteId int64 required

    Unique identifier of the site linked to given variation

  • widgetTemplateInput string

    Widget template input data in JSON format.
