Update site
Update site with given id
Path Parameters
- siteId int64 required
- application/json
Request Body required
- abtestConsent string
Possible values: [
] - applicationFileUrl string
URL for self-hosted kameleoon.js file. If not specified kameleoon.js will be loaded by default url - SITE_CODE.kameleoon.eu/kameleoon.js
audienceConfig object
Audience configuration.
cartAmountGoal int64Goal to which the value of a customer's basket is linked
cartAmountValue int64Conversion value linked to the primary goal
dateCreated date-timeAudience configuration creation date
excludedConfigurationUrlList object[]
URLS to be excluded from your recommendations
Array [matchType stringPossible values: [
]url string]excludedCustomData int64[]Personalized data to be excluded from your recommendations
excludedExperimentList int64[]A/B tests to be excluded from your recommendations
excludedGoalList int64[]Goals to be excluded from your recommendations
excludedPersonalizationList int64[]Personalizations to be excluded from your recommendations
excludedTargetingSegmentList int64[]Segments to be excluded from your recommendations
excludedTargetingTypeList string[]Possible values: [
]Targeting criteria to be excluded from your recommendations
ignoreURLSettings booleanIgnore the settings in the URL of your pages
includedConfigurationUrlList object[]
Primary URLs you want to optimize
Array [matchType stringPossible values: [
]url string]includedCustomData int64[]Personalized data to be prioritized in your recommendations
includedExperimentList int64[]A/B tests to be prioritized in your recommendations
includedPersonalizationList int64[]Personalizations to be prioritized in your recommendations
includedTargetingSegmentList int64[]Additional segments to track. Predictive segments are tracked by default
includedTargetingTypeList string[]Possible values: [
]The 3 targeting criteria to be prioritized in your recommendations
mainGoal int64 requiredPrimary goal, it must correspond to the main conversion action of the site
siteType stringPossible values: [
]Typology of the website
- behaviorWhenTimeout string
Possible values: [
]Behavior if timeout occurs. You can redefine the behavior of Kameleoon Application when the script exceeds the usual loading time. By default, the application will eventually launch with a flicker effect.
- captureEventMethod string
Possible values: [
] - currency string
Possible values: [
] - customAttributes string
- customSelectors string[]
- dataStorage string
Possible values: [
]This option allows you to choose source where to store the data of your A/B tests on the the visitor's device.
- description string
Website description.
- domainNames string[]
experimentConfig object
Configuration of an experiment.
abtestConsent stringPossible values: [
]abtestConsentOptout stringPossible values: [
]beforeAbtestConsent stringPossible values: [
]customVariationSelectionScript stringVariation Selection Script: By default, the assignment of a variation for an experiment to a visitor is handled through a random mechanism.You can customize this behavior by writing JavaScript code here. This code must return the ID of the assigned variation (please consult the developer documentation for more details).
isEditorLaunchedByShortcut booleanEnables graphic editor launching through
shift + F2
keyboard shortcut.isKameleoonReportingEnabled booleanResult reporting. Activate Kameleoon’s reporting to view test results
minWiningReliability int32Level of reliability needed to determine the winning variation of an experiment. Reliabilityof the variations is inferior to the rate determined in set-up. The variations should not be consideredas winning in your test results, regardless of the number of conversions for these variations. Be cautiouswhen changing this parameter, as it impacts the results Kameleoon provides.
- imagesUrl string
URL for self-hosted images. If not specified images will be loaded by default url - SITE_CODE.kameleoon.eu/images/
- indicators string[]
Possible values: [
]List of indicators such as: Retention rate, number of pages seen and dwell time.
- isAudienceUsed boolean
Identifies where audience feature is enabled and used for the website.
- isKameleoonEnabled boolean
This field represents if Kameleoon application is enbabled for the website.
- isScriptActive boolean
Identifies if the script is installed successfully and is active on the website.
- lastScriptRebuildDate date-time
Date last rebuild Script.
- lastScriptRebuildStatus string
Possible values: [
]Status last rebuild Script.
- name string
Possible values:
<= 30 characters
Name of the website.
personalizationConfig object
Configuration of a personalization.
beforePersonalizationConsent stringPossible values: [
]isSameJqueryInjectionAllowed booleanAllow the injection of jQuery. By default, Kameleoon allows you to display multiplepersonalization of the same type on a single page (for example, two pop-ups or two images in the same location).If you would like to disable this feature, please turn on the toggle option.
isSameTypePersonalizationEnabled booleanAdvanced options. By default, Kameleoon allows you to display multiplepersonalization of the same type on a single page (for example, two pop-ups or two images in the same location).If you would like to disable this feature, please turn on the toggle option.
personalizationConsent stringPossible values: [
]personalizationConsentOptout stringPossible values: [
]personalizationsDeviation doubleInclude visitors. Percentage of your visitors included in personalizations.You can define a visitor rate who will be hidden to your personalizations.Additionally, we advise you to keep a hidden sample population to determine theefficiency of your personalizations.
- realTimeConfigUpdate boolean
Can SDK receive the configuration in real-time.
- recommendationSecretKey string
Product recommendation secret key.
- recommendationStoreKey string
Product recommendation store key.
- shadowDom boolean
ShadowDOM option.
- trackingScript string
Global custom script is any JavaScript code that you add which will be executed at each page load. This custom script will be executed right after the loading of Kameleoon application. For instance, you can add complex tracking code or integration to some third party solutions in this section.
- type string
Possible values: [
]Project type.
- url string required
URL of the website.
- wideDomain string
widgetFonts object[]
Widget fonts for site.
Array [fontFamily stringfontSrc stringfontWeight stringid string]
- 200
- 400
- 403
- 423
- 500
- */*
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- abtestConsent string
Possible values: [
] - applicationFileUrl string
URL for self-hosted kameleoon.js file. If not specified kameleoon.js will be loaded by default url - SITE_CODE.kameleoon.eu/kameleoon.js
audienceConfig object
Audience configuration.
cartAmountGoal int64Goal to which the value of a customer's basket is linked
cartAmountValue int64Conversion value linked to the primary goal
dateCreated date-timeAudience configuration creation date
excludedConfigurationUrlList object[]
URLS to be excluded from your recommendations
Array [matchType stringPossible values: [
]url string]excludedCustomData int64[]Personalized data to be excluded from your recommendations
excludedExperimentList int64[]A/B tests to be excluded from your recommendations
excludedGoalList int64[]Goals to be excluded from your recommendations
excludedPersonalizationList int64[]Personalizations to be excluded from your recommendations
excludedTargetingSegmentList int64[]Segments to be excluded from your recommendations
excludedTargetingTypeList string[]Possible values: [
]Targeting criteria to be excluded from your recommendations
id int64Unique identifier of the audience configuration
ignoreURLSettings booleanIgnore the settings in the URL of your pages
includedConfigurationUrlList object[]
Primary URLs you want to optimize
Array [matchType stringPossible values: [
]url string]includedCustomData int64[]Personalized data to be prioritized in your recommendations
includedExperimentList int64[]A/B tests to be prioritized in your recommendations
includedPersonalizationList int64[]Personalizations to be prioritized in your recommendations
includedTargetingSegmentList int64[]Additional segments to track. Predictive segments are tracked by default
includedTargetingTypeList string[]Possible values: [
]The 3 targeting criteria to be prioritized in your recommendations
mainGoal int64 requiredPrimary goal, it must correspond to the main conversion action of the site
siteType stringPossible values: [
]Typology of the website
- behaviorWhenTimeout string
Possible values: [
]Behavior if timeout occurs. You can redefine the behavior of Kameleoon Application when the script exceeds the usual loading time. By default, the application will eventually launch with a flicker effect.
- captureEventMethod string
Possible values: [
] - code string
System generated code to uniquely identify a website.
- currency string
Possible values: [
] - customAttributes string
- customSelectors string[]
- dataStorage string
Possible values: [
]This option allows you to choose source where to store the data of your A/B tests on the the visitor's device.
- dateCreated date-time
Date when the site was created.
- description string
Website description.
- domainNames string[]
experimentConfig object
Configuration of an experiment.
abtestConsent stringPossible values: [
]abtestConsentOptout stringPossible values: [
]beforeAbtestConsent stringPossible values: [
]customVariationSelectionScript stringVariation Selection Script: By default, the assignment of a variation for an experiment to a visitor is handled through a random mechanism.You can customize this behavior by writing JavaScript code here. This code must return the ID of the assigned variation (please consult the developer documentation for more details).
isEditorLaunchedByShortcut booleanEnables graphic editor launching through
shift + F2
keyboard shortcut.isKameleoonReportingEnabled booleanResult reporting. Activate Kameleoon’s reporting to view test results
minWiningReliability int32Level of reliability needed to determine the winning variation of an experiment. Reliabilityof the variations is inferior to the rate determined in set-up. The variations should not be consideredas winning in your test results, regardless of the number of conversions for these variations. Be cautiouswhen changing this parameter, as it impacts the results Kameleoon provides.
- id int64
Unique identifier of the website.
- imagesUrl string
URL for self-hosted images. If not specified images will be loaded by default url - SITE_CODE.kameleoon.eu/images/
- indicators string[]
Possible values: [
]List of indicators such as: Retention rate, number of pages seen and dwell time.
- isAudienceUsed boolean
Identifies where audience feature is enabled and used for the website.
- isKameleoonEnabled boolean
This field represents if Kameleoon application is enbabled for the website.
- isScriptActive boolean
Identifies if the script is installed successfully and is active on the website.
- lastScriptRebuildDate date-time
Date last rebuild Script.
- lastScriptRebuildStatus string
Possible values: [
]Status last rebuild Script.
- name string
Possible values:
<= 30 characters
Name of the website.
personalizationConfig object
Configuration of a personalization.
beforePersonalizationConsent stringPossible values: [
]isSameJqueryInjectionAllowed booleanAllow the injection of jQuery. By default, Kameleoon allows you to display multiplepersonalization of the same type on a single page (for example, two pop-ups or two images in the same location).If you would like to disable this feature, please turn on the toggle option.
isSameTypePersonalizationEnabled booleanAdvanced options. By default, Kameleoon allows you to display multiplepersonalization of the same type on a single page (for example, two pop-ups or two images in the same location).If you would like to disable this feature, please turn on the toggle option.
personalizationConsent stringPossible values: [
]personalizationConsentOptout stringPossible values: [
]personalizationsDeviation doubleInclude visitors. Percentage of your visitors included in personalizations.You can define a visitor rate who will be hidden to your personalizations.Additionally, we advise you to keep a hidden sample population to determine theefficiency of your personalizations.
- realTimeConfigUpdate boolean
Can SDK receive the configuration in real-time.
- recommendationSecretKey string
Product recommendation secret key.
- recommendationStoreKey string
Product recommendation store key.
- shadowDom boolean
ShadowDOM option.
- trackingScript string
Global custom script is any JavaScript code that you add which will be executed at each page load. This custom script will be executed right after the loading of Kameleoon application. For instance, you can add complex tracking code or integration to some third party solutions in this section.
- type string
Possible values: [
]Project type.
- url string required
URL of the website.
- wideDomain string
widgetFonts object[]
Widget fonts for site.
Array [fontFamily stringfontSrc stringfontWeight stringid string]
"abtestConsent": "OFF",
"applicationFileUrl": "string",
"audienceConfig": {
"cartAmountGoal": 0,
"cartAmountValue": 0,
"dateCreated": "2024-12-20T15:04:33.678Z",
"excludedConfigurationUrlList": [
"matchType": "EXACT",
"url": "string"
"excludedCustomData": [
"excludedExperimentList": [
"excludedGoalList": [
"excludedPersonalizationList": [
"excludedTargetingSegmentList": [
"excludedTargetingTypeList": [
"id": 0,
"ignoreURLSettings": true,
"includedConfigurationUrlList": [
"matchType": "EXACT",
"url": "string"
"includedCustomData": [
"includedExperimentList": [
"includedPersonalizationList": [
"includedTargetingSegmentList": [
"includedTargetingTypeList": [
"mainGoal": 0,
"siteType": "ECOMMERCE"
"behaviorWhenTimeout": "RUN",
"captureEventMethod": "CLICK",
"code": "string",
"currency": "USD",
"customAttributes": "string",
"customSelectors": [
"dataStorage": "STANDARD_COOKIE",
"dateCreated": "2024-12-20T15:04:33.678Z",
"description": "string",
"domainNames": [
"experimentConfig": {
"abtestConsent": "OFF",
"abtestConsentOptout": "RUN",
"beforeAbtestConsent": "NONE",
"customVariationSelectionScript": "string",
"isEditorLaunchedByShortcut": true,
"isKameleoonReportingEnabled": true,
"minWiningReliability": 0
"id": 0,
"imagesUrl": "string",
"indicators": [
"isAudienceUsed": true,
"isKameleoonEnabled": true,
"isScriptActive": true,
"lastScriptRebuildDate": "2024-12-20T15:04:33.678Z",
"lastScriptRebuildStatus": "SUCCESS",
"name": "string",
"personalizationConfig": {
"beforePersonalizationConsent": "NONE",
"isSameJqueryInjectionAllowed": true,
"isSameTypePersonalizationEnabled": true,
"personalizationConsent": "OFF",
"personalizationConsentOptout": "RUN",
"personalizationsDeviation": 0
"realTimeConfigUpdate": true,
"recommendationSecretKey": "string",
"recommendationStoreKey": "string",
"shadowDom": true,
"trackingScript": "string",
"type": "SITE",
"url": "string",
"wideDomain": "string",
"widgetFonts": [
"fontFamily": "string",
"fontSrc": "string",
"fontWeight": "string",
"id": "string"
Bad Request
- */*
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- code string
- impersonator string
- message string
- name string
- status string
Possible values: [
] - sub string
- time int64
- timestamp date-time
"code": "string",
"impersonator": "string",
"message": "string",
"name": "string",
"status": "SUCCESS",
"sub": "string",
"time": 0,
"timestamp": "2024-12-20T15:04:33.679Z"
- */*
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- code string
- impersonator string
- message string
- name string
- status string
Possible values: [
] - sub string
- time int64
- timestamp date-time
"code": "string",
"impersonator": "string",
"message": "string",
"name": "string",
"status": "SUCCESS",
"sub": "string",
"time": 0,
"timestamp": "2024-12-20T15:04:33.679Z"
- */*
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- code string
- impersonator string
- message string
- name string
- status string
Possible values: [
] - sub string
- time int64
- timestamp date-time
"code": "string",
"impersonator": "string",
"message": "string",
"name": "string",
"status": "SUCCESS",
"sub": "string",
"time": 0,
"timestamp": "2024-12-20T15:04:33.679Z"
Internal Server Error
- */*
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- code string
- impersonator string
- message string
- name string
- status string
Possible values: [
] - sub string
- time int64
- timestamp date-time
"code": "string",
"impersonator": "string",
"message": "string",
"name": "string",
"status": "SUCCESS",
"sub": "string",
"time": 0,
"timestamp": "2024-12-20T15:04:33.679Z"