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Get one custom data



Get one custom data with the given id


Path Parameters

    customDataId int64required

    The ID of the custom data object

    Example: 100000

Query Parameters

    optionalFields string[]




    adobeAnalyticsVariableName string

    Variable name of the Adobe Analytics

    advancedProposedValues string
    createdById int64

    Account id of the creator of the custom data

    customEvalCode string

    Custom code that will be executed

    dateCreated date-time

    Date and time a record is created

    description string

    Description of the custom data

    format string

    Custom data value format

    Possible values: [BOOLEAN, NUMBER, STRING]

    gtmVariableName string

    Variable name of the Google Tag Manager

    id int64

    Unique identifier for the specified custom data.

    index int32
    isConstant boolean

    Indicates whether the custom data is a constant

    isFiltrableVentilable boolean

    Indicates whether custom data should be filtered and marked as available for breakdown

    isLearnable boolean

    Indicates whether this data should be included in Kameleoon machine learning

    isLocalOnly boolean

    Indicates whether the data is only stored on the user's device.

    method stringrequired

    Method through which a custom data will be transmitted


    modificationDate date-time

    Date and time a record is modified

    name stringrequired

    Name of the given custom data

    siteCode string

    System generated code to uniquely identify a website.

    siteId int64required

    Unique project identifier assigned to the record

    tags string

    Field to store tags that are associated with this record

    tcVariableName string

    Name for the tag commander data layer, if it is selected as a transmission method

    tealiumVariableName string

    Name for the Tealium, if it is selected as a transmission method

    type string

    Custom data type. Custom data can be presented as a single value (UNIQUE), or a list of values (LIST), ​​or a countable list of values (COUNT_LIST)

    Possible values: [COUNT_LIST, LIST, UNIQUE]
