Create a new key momentt
Create a new key moment with the given parameters
- application/json
Request Body required
- audienceTracking boolean
Indicates if the key moment is used for audience
conditionsData object
Conditions by which visitors will be segmented
firstLevel object[]
First level conditions. Every level can have many conditions inside. E.g. we have 'firstLevelOrOperators' = [true], 'firstLevel'=[{OrOperators:[false], conditions: [SKY_STATUS, DAY_NIGHT]}, {OrOperators:[true], conditions: [PAGE_TITLE, NEW_VISITORS]}]. Then the expression will look like (SKY_STATUS AND DAY_NIGHT) OR (PAGE_TITLE OR NEW_VISITORS)
Array [conditions object[]
Add conditions (see TargetingConditionIO) to define a segment. The more conditions you add, the more precise your segment will be.
Array [- oneOf
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
count int32Count of time elapsed since session became active according to the 'unitOfTime' field
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
matchType stringPossible values: [
]How to match the specified amount of time
unitOfTime stringPossible values: [
]What unit of measurements will be used to define if sessions are active for the required duration
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
version stringApplication version
versionMatchType stringPossible values: [
]How to match the specified version. Default value: 'EQUAL'
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
browser stringPossible values: [
]The type of browser visitors are using
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
version stringBrowser version
versionMatchType stringPossible values: [
]How to match the specified version of the browser. Default value: 'EQUAL'
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
language stringBrowser language code in ISO 639-1
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
allVisits int64Match all previous visits or current only. Default value: 'false'
goalId int64Unique identifier of a goal. If the fields is not specified then visits during which an any goal was reached will be included or excluded
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
name stringCookie name
nameMatchType stringPossible values: [
]How to match the specified cookie name. Default value: 'EXACT'
value stringCookie value
valueMatchType stringPossible values: [
]How to match the specified cookie value. Default value: 'EXACT'
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
customDataIndex stringValue can be the index of specific custom data. Or 'ANY' to segment visitors by presence of any custom data
customDataName stringinclude booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
lowerBoundCustom doubleRepresents the lower bound when using the "range" match type
upperBoundCustom doubleRepresents the higher bound when using the "range" match type
value stringvalueCustom stringValue which was retrieved by specified custom data
valueMatchType stringPossible values: [
]How to match the retrieved value? Depends on specified format of data retrieved by the custom data
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
dayPeriod stringPossible values: [
]include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
day stringPossible values: [
]include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
device stringPossible values: [
]include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
elementType stringPossible values: [
]Type of element on the page. If the field is 'SINGLE' the field 'elementValue' should be specified
elementValue stringElement on the page (id, class, ...) if 'elementType' is SINGLE.
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
event stringCustom event
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
testMatchType stringPossible values: [
]How to match the specified test,personalization or both at the same time. Default value: 'ALL'
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
experimentationType stringPossible values: [
]How to match the specified feature experiment, web experiment or any types of experiments. Default value: 'ALL'
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
count int32Count of time elapsed since the first visit according to the 'unitOfTime' field
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
matchType stringPossible values: [
]How to match the specified amount of time
unitOfTime stringPossible values: [
]Unit of measurements
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
daysRange int32Possible values:
<= 5
Range of days during which the forecast is expected. This value can't be less than 'forecastDays'
forecastDays int32Possible values:
<= 5
Amount of days which should meet the specified 'skyStatus' or 'skyStatusGroup'. This value can't be more than 'daysRange'
forecastMatchType stringPossible values: [
]How to match the specified amount of days
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
skyStatus stringPossible values: [
]Specific status of the sky. Can be null if 'skyStatusGroup' is filled
skyStatusGroup stringPossible values: [
]Group of sky statuses. Each group can include many sky statuses. Can be null if 'skyStatus' is filled
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
daysRange int32Possible values:
<= 5
Range of days during which the forecast is expected. This value can't be less than 'forecastDays'
forecastDays int32Possible values:
<= 5
Amount of days which should meet the specified value of temperature. This value can't be more than 'daysRange'
forecastMatchType stringPossible values: [
]How to match the specified amount of days
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
lowerBoundValue int32Lower bound of temperature. This field must be not null if 'temperatureMatchType' is 'INCLUDE'
measurement stringPossible values: [
]Default value: 'CELSIUS'
temperatureMatchType stringPossible values: [
]How to match the specified value of temperature
upperBoundValue int32Upper bound of temperature. This field must be not null if 'temperatureMatchType' is 'INCLUDE'
value int32Exact value of temperature. This field must be not null if 'temperatureMatchType' is not 'INCLUDE'
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
city stringVisitor's city
country stringVisitor's country
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
region stringVisitor's region
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
goalId int64Unique identifier of a goal
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
keyMomentId int64Unique identifier of a key moment
lowerBound int32Lower bound of the probability in percents. Max value: 100
upperBound int32Upper bound of the probability in percents. Max value: 100
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
since stringSince time. Time format: hh:MM
to stringTo time. Time format: hh:MM
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
keyWordIndex stringValue can be the index of a specific key word. Or 'ANY' to segment visitors by presence of any key word
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
applied stringPossible values: [
]Run js code after DOM ready or immediate? Default value: DOM_READY
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
jsCode stringCustom JavaScript condition
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
include booleanlinkedKeyMomentId int64Id of linked keymoment
linkedKeyMomentName stringName of linked keymoment
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
keyPageIndex stringValue can be the index of a specific key page. Or 'ANY' to segment visitors by presence of any key page
keyPageName stringweight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
matchType stringPossible values: [
]How to match the specified url. Default value: 'EXACT'
url stringLanding URL template
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
count int32Count of time elapsed since the last visit according to the 'unitOfTime' field
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
matchType stringPossible values: [
]How to match the specified amount of time
unitOfTime stringPossible values: [
]Unit of measurements
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
visitorsType stringPossible values: [
]weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
categories string[]Product categories
countOfPages int32Amount of visited pages
countOfPagesMatchType stringPossible values: [
]How to match 'countOfPages'?
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
priceMatchType stringPossible values: [
]How match by price? According to this field it's necessary to add some additional pricing parameters
priceParams object
- oneOf
- BelongingPriceParams
- BetweenPriceParams
- ExactPriceParams
- PriceChangeParams
areaOfPriceMatching string requiredPossible values: [
]categories string[]Has to be specified if 'areaOfPriceMatching' is 'SPECIFIC_CATEGORIES'
priceCategory string requiredPossible values: [
]productEans string[]Has to be specified if 'areaOfPriceMatching' is 'SPECIFIC_PRODUCTS'
productWayOfCounting string requiredPossible values: [
]How to count 'value'?
value int32 requiredTo which fraction of products the product belongs
firstPriceCalculationType stringPossible values: [
]firstValue stringDepending on 'priceCalculationType' here has to be exact price value|product id|category id|custom data id
secondPriceCalculationType stringPossible values: [
]secondValue stringDepending on 'priceCalculationType' here has to be exact price value|product id|category id|custom data id
priceCalculationType stringPossible values: [
]value stringDepending on 'priceCalculationType' here has to be exact price value|product id|category id|custom data id
changeDuration string requiredPossible values: [
]Time range when the price of the product changed
firstDate date-timeHas to be specified if 'changeDuration' is 'SINCE_DATE', 'BETWEEN_TWO_DATES' or 'DATE_RANGE'
secondDate date-timeHas to be specified if 'changeDuration' is 'BETWEEN_TWO_DATES' or 'DATE_RANGE'
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
os stringPossible values: [
]weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
matchType stringPossible values: [
]How to match the specified url. Default value: 'EXACT'
url stringReferring website URL template
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
trafficType stringPossible values: [
]Traffic type
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
matchType stringPossible values: [
]How to match the specified title. Default value: 'EXACT'
title stringTitle template
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
matchType stringPossible values: [
]Accordance between requested URL and URL template. Default value: EXACT
url stringURL template
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
matchType stringPossible values: [
]How to match the specified amount of pages
pageCount int32Number of page views
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
matchType stringPossible values: [
]How to match the specified url. Default value: 'EXACT'
url stringPrevious page URL template
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
priceMatchType stringPossible values: [
]How match by price? According to this field it's necessary to add some additional pricing parameters
priceParams object
- oneOf
- BelongingPriceParams
- BetweenPriceParams
- ExactPriceParams
- PriceChangeParams
areaOfPriceMatching string requiredPossible values: [
]categories string[]Has to be specified if 'areaOfPriceMatching' is 'SPECIFIC_CATEGORIES'
priceCategory string requiredPossible values: [
]productEans string[]Has to be specified if 'areaOfPriceMatching' is 'SPECIFIC_PRODUCTS'
productWayOfCounting string requiredPossible values: [
]How to count 'value'?
value int32 requiredTo which fraction of products the product belongs
firstPriceCalculationType stringPossible values: [
]firstValue stringDepending on 'priceCalculationType' here has to be exact price value|product id|category id|custom data id
secondPriceCalculationType stringPossible values: [
]secondValue stringDepending on 'priceCalculationType' here has to be exact price value|product id|category id|custom data id
priceCalculationType stringPossible values: [
]value stringDepending on 'priceCalculationType' here has to be exact price value|product id|category id|custom data id
changeDuration string requiredPossible values: [
]Time range when the price of the product changed
firstDate date-timeHas to be specified if 'changeDuration' is 'SINCE_DATE', 'BETWEEN_TWO_DATES' or 'DATE_RANGE'
secondDate date-timeHas to be specified if 'changeDuration' is 'BETWEEN_TWO_DATES' or 'DATE_RANGE'
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
referrerIndex stringValue can be the index of a specific referrer. Or 'ANY' to segment visitors by presence of any referrer
referrerName stringweight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
matchType stringPossible values: [
]How to match the specified amount of time. Default value: 'EQUAL'
visitCount int32Number of visits for today
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
height int32Should be specified if 'heightMatchType' is not 'INCLUDE'
heightLowerBound int32Should be specified if 'heightMatchType' is 'INCLUDE'
heightMatchType stringPossible values: [
]How to match the specified height
heightUpperBound int32Should be specified if 'heightMatchType' is 'INCLUDE'
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
width int32Should be specified if 'widthMatchType' is not 'INCLUDE'
widthLowerBound int32Should be specified if 'widthMatchType' is 'INCLUDE'
widthMatchType stringPossible values: [
]How to match the specified width
widthUpperBound int32Should be specified if 'widthMatchType' is 'INCLUDE'
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
sdkType stringPossible values: [
]The type of SDK through which the visitor has been triggered
version stringSDK language version
versionMatchType stringPossible values: [
]How to match the specified version of the sdk language. Default value: 'EQUAL'
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
include booleanlinkedSegmentId int64Id of linked segment
linkedSegmentName stringName of linked segment
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
skyStatus stringPossible values: [
]Specific status of the sky. Can be null if 'skyStatusGroup' is filled
skyStatusGroup stringPossible values: [
]Group of sky statuses. Each group can include many sky statuses. Can be null if 'skyStatus' is filled
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
matchType stringPossible values: [
]How to match the specified amount of tabs
tabCount int32Number of tabs opened
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
experiment int64Id of experiment
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
variation int64Id of variation which was retrieved by specified experiment
variationMatchType stringPossible values: [
]How to match the specified variation. Default value: 'ANY'
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
featureFlagId int64Id of the targeted feature flag
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
ruleId int64Id of the rule of the targeted feature flag
variationKey stringKey of the variation of the targeted feature flag
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
personalization int64Id of personalization
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
audiences object[]
List of tealium audiences
Array [id string requiredAudience unique identifier
name string requiredAudience name
]include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
badges object[]
List of tealium badges
Array [id int64 requiredBadge unique identifier
name string requiredBadge name
]include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
lowerBoundValue int32Lower bound of temperature. This field must be not null if 'temperatureMatchType' is not 'EQUAL'
measurement stringPossible values: [
]Default value: 'CELSIUS'
temperatureMatchType stringPossible values: [
]How to match the specified value of temperature
upperBoundValue int32Upper bound of temperature. This field must be not null if 'temperatureMatchType' is not 'EQUAL'
value int32Exact value of temperature. This field must be not null if 'temperatureMatchType' is 'EQUAL'
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
since date-timeSince date. Date format in ISO 8601 standard: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss
to date-timeTo date. Date format in ISO 8601 standard: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
count int32Count of time elapsed since session became active according to the 'unitOfTime' field
countMatchType stringPossible values: [
]How to match the specified amount of time
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
unitOfTime stringPossible values: [
]What unit of measurements will be used to define time since a page load
url stringURL template
urlMatchType stringPossible values: [
]Accordance between requested URL and URL template. Default value: EXACT
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
countOfPages int32Amount of visited pages
countOfPagesMatchType stringPossible values: [
]How to match 'countOfPages'?
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
productEans string[]Pages of which products should be visited?
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
matchType stringPossible values: [
]How to match the specified visitor code. Default value: EXACT
visitorCode stringVisitor code
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
ipLowerBound stringLower bound of ip addresses range. If visitor ip match or is more than the bound it will be included in or excluded from the segment.If the field is filled then 'ipUpperBound' has to be filled too
ipRanges array[]Visitor ip address ranges
ipUpperBound stringUpper bound of ip addresses range. If visitor ip match or is less than the bound it will included in or excluded from the segment.If the field is filled then 'ipLowerBound' has to be filled too
ips string[]Exact visitor ip address
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
matchType stringPossible values: [
]How to match the specified amount of visits
visitCount int32Total amount of visits
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
count int32Amount of visits
countMatchType stringPossible values: [
]How to match the specified amount of visits
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
period stringPossible values: [
]Per what period of time visits should be considered
url stringURL template
urlMatchType stringPossible values: [
]Accordance between requested URL and URL template. Default value: EXACT
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
attribute stringYsance attribute
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
value stringAttribute value
valueMatchType stringPossible values: [
]How to match the specified attribute value. Default value: 'EXACT'
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
segments string[]Ysance segments
]orOperators boolean[]Array of booleans ("or"=true, "and"=false) for binding conditions of second level.
]firstLevelOrOperators boolean[]Array of booleans ("or"=true, "and"=false) for binding firstLevel outer conditions.
- description string
Description of the key moment
- isFavorite boolean
Indicates whether the key moment is marked as a favorite.
- name string required
Name of the key moment
- siteId int64 required
Unique identifier for the site where the key moment was, or will be created.
- 201
- 400
- 403
- 423
- 500
- */*
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- audienceTracking boolean
Indicates if the key moment is used for audience
- audienceTrackingEditable boolean
This flag shows if audienceTracking can be enabled or disabled. In some cases,audienceTracking can't be disabled. E.g. If a key moment has predictive conditions,it will be tracked by default.
conditionsData object
Conditions by which visitors will be segmented
firstLevel object[]
First level conditions. Every level can have many conditions inside. E.g. we have 'firstLevelOrOperators' = [true], 'firstLevel'=[{OrOperators:[false], conditions: [SKY_STATUS, DAY_NIGHT]}, {OrOperators:[true], conditions: [PAGE_TITLE, NEW_VISITORS]}]. Then the expression will look like (SKY_STATUS AND DAY_NIGHT) OR (PAGE_TITLE OR NEW_VISITORS)
Array [conditions object[]
Add conditions (see TargetingConditionIO) to define a segment. The more conditions you add, the more precise your segment will be.
Array [- oneOf
htmlDescription stringHtml readable description of the targeting condition
id int64Unique identifier
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
count int32Count of time elapsed since session became active according to the 'unitOfTime' field
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
matchType stringPossible values: [
]How to match the specified amount of time
unitOfTime stringPossible values: [
]What unit of measurements will be used to define if sessions are active for the required duration
htmlDescription stringHtml readable description of the targeting condition
id int64Unique identifier
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
htmlDescription stringHtml readable description of the targeting condition
id int64Unique identifier
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
version stringApplication version
versionMatchType stringPossible values: [
]How to match the specified version. Default value: 'EQUAL'
htmlDescription stringHtml readable description of the targeting condition
id int64Unique identifier
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
browser stringPossible values: [
]The type of browser visitors are using
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
version stringBrowser version
versionMatchType stringPossible values: [
]How to match the specified version of the browser. Default value: 'EQUAL'
htmlDescription stringHtml readable description of the targeting condition
id int64Unique identifier
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
language stringBrowser language code in ISO 639-1
htmlDescription stringHtml readable description of the targeting condition
id int64Unique identifier
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
allVisits int64Match all previous visits or current only. Default value: 'false'
goalId int64Unique identifier of a goal. If the fields is not specified then visits during which an any goal was reached will be included or excluded
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
htmlDescription stringHtml readable description of the targeting condition
id int64Unique identifier
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
name stringCookie name
nameMatchType stringPossible values: [
]How to match the specified cookie name. Default value: 'EXACT'
value stringCookie value
valueMatchType stringPossible values: [
]How to match the specified cookie value. Default value: 'EXACT'
htmlDescription stringHtml readable description of the targeting condition
id int64Unique identifier
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
customDataIndex stringValue can be the index of specific custom data. Or 'ANY' to segment visitors by presence of any custom data
customDataName stringinclude booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
lowerBoundCustom doubleRepresents the lower bound when using the "range" match type
upperBoundCustom doubleRepresents the higher bound when using the "range" match type
value stringvalueCustom stringValue which was retrieved by specified custom data
valueMatchType stringPossible values: [
]How to match the retrieved value? Depends on specified format of data retrieved by the custom data
htmlDescription stringHtml readable description of the targeting condition
id int64Unique identifier
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
dayPeriod stringPossible values: [
]include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
htmlDescription stringHtml readable description of the targeting condition
id int64Unique identifier
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
day stringPossible values: [
]include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
htmlDescription stringHtml readable description of the targeting condition
id int64Unique identifier
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
device stringPossible values: [
]include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
htmlDescription stringHtml readable description of the targeting condition
id int64Unique identifier
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
elementType stringPossible values: [
]Type of element on the page. If the field is 'SINGLE' the field 'elementValue' should be specified
elementValue stringElement on the page (id, class, ...) if 'elementType' is SINGLE.
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
htmlDescription stringHtml readable description of the targeting condition
id int64Unique identifier
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
event stringCustom event
htmlDescription stringHtml readable description of the targeting condition
id int64Unique identifier
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
testMatchType stringPossible values: [
]How to match the specified test,personalization or both at the same time. Default value: 'ALL'
htmlDescription stringHtml readable description of the targeting condition
id int64Unique identifier
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
experimentationType stringPossible values: [
]How to match the specified feature experiment, web experiment or any types of experiments. Default value: 'ALL'
htmlDescription stringHtml readable description of the targeting condition
id int64Unique identifier
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
htmlDescription stringHtml readable description of the targeting condition
id int64Unique identifier
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
count int32Count of time elapsed since the first visit according to the 'unitOfTime' field
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
matchType stringPossible values: [
]How to match the specified amount of time
unitOfTime stringPossible values: [
]Unit of measurements
htmlDescription stringHtml readable description of the targeting condition
id int64Unique identifier
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
daysRange int32Possible values:
<= 5
Range of days during which the forecast is expected. This value can't be less than 'forecastDays'
forecastDays int32Possible values:
<= 5
Amount of days which should meet the specified 'skyStatus' or 'skyStatusGroup'. This value can't be more than 'daysRange'
forecastMatchType stringPossible values: [
]How to match the specified amount of days
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
skyStatus stringPossible values: [
]Specific status of the sky. Can be null if 'skyStatusGroup' is filled
skyStatusGroup stringPossible values: [
]Group of sky statuses. Each group can include many sky statuses. Can be null if 'skyStatus' is filled
htmlDescription stringHtml readable description of the targeting condition
id int64Unique identifier
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
daysRange int32Possible values:
<= 5
Range of days during which the forecast is expected. This value can't be less than 'forecastDays'
forecastDays int32Possible values:
<= 5
Amount of days which should meet the specified value of temperature. This value can't be more than 'daysRange'
forecastMatchType stringPossible values: [
]How to match the specified amount of days
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
lowerBoundValue int32Lower bound of temperature. This field must be not null if 'temperatureMatchType' is 'INCLUDE'
measurement stringPossible values: [
]Default value: 'CELSIUS'
temperatureMatchType stringPossible values: [
]How to match the specified value of temperature
upperBoundValue int32Upper bound of temperature. This field must be not null if 'temperatureMatchType' is 'INCLUDE'
value int32Exact value of temperature. This field must be not null if 'temperatureMatchType' is not 'INCLUDE'
htmlDescription stringHtml readable description of the targeting condition
id int64Unique identifier
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
city stringVisitor's city
country stringVisitor's country
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
region stringVisitor's region
htmlDescription stringHtml readable description of the targeting condition
id int64Unique identifier
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
goalId int64Unique identifier of a goal
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
keyMomentId int64Unique identifier of a key moment
lowerBound int32Lower bound of the probability in percents. Max value: 100
upperBound int32Upper bound of the probability in percents. Max value: 100
htmlDescription stringHtml readable description of the targeting condition
id int64Unique identifier
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
since stringSince time. Time format: hh:MM
to stringTo time. Time format: hh:MM
htmlDescription stringHtml readable description of the targeting condition
id int64Unique identifier
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
keyWordIndex stringValue can be the index of a specific key word. Or 'ANY' to segment visitors by presence of any key word
htmlDescription stringHtml readable description of the targeting condition
id int64Unique identifier
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
applied stringPossible values: [
]Run js code after DOM ready or immediate? Default value: DOM_READY
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
jsCode stringCustom JavaScript condition
htmlDescription stringHtml readable description of the targeting condition
id int64Unique identifier
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
include booleanlinkedKeyMomentId int64Id of linked keymoment
linkedKeyMomentName stringName of linked keymoment
htmlDescription stringHtml readable description of the targeting condition
id int64Unique identifier
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
keyPageIndex stringValue can be the index of a specific key page. Or 'ANY' to segment visitors by presence of any key page
keyPageName stringhtmlDescription stringHtml readable description of the targeting condition
id int64Unique identifier
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
matchType stringPossible values: [
]How to match the specified url. Default value: 'EXACT'
url stringLanding URL template
htmlDescription stringHtml readable description of the targeting condition
id int64Unique identifier
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
count int32Count of time elapsed since the last visit according to the 'unitOfTime' field
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
matchType stringPossible values: [
]How to match the specified amount of time
unitOfTime stringPossible values: [
]Unit of measurements
htmlDescription stringHtml readable description of the targeting condition
id int64Unique identifier
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
htmlDescription stringHtml readable description of the targeting condition
id int64Unique identifier
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
visitorsType stringPossible values: [
]htmlDescription stringHtml readable description of the targeting condition
id int64Unique identifier
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
categories string[]Product categories
countOfPages int32Amount of visited pages
countOfPagesMatchType stringPossible values: [
]How to match 'countOfPages'?
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
priceMatchType stringPossible values: [
]How match by price? According to this field it's necessary to add some additional pricing parameters
priceParams object
- oneOf
- BelongingPriceParams
- BetweenPriceParams
- ExactPriceParams
- PriceChangeParams
areaOfPriceMatching string requiredPossible values: [
]categories string[]Has to be specified if 'areaOfPriceMatching' is 'SPECIFIC_CATEGORIES'
priceCategory string requiredPossible values: [
]productEans string[]Has to be specified if 'areaOfPriceMatching' is 'SPECIFIC_PRODUCTS'
productWayOfCounting string requiredPossible values: [
]How to count 'value'?
value int32 requiredTo which fraction of products the product belongs
firstPriceCalculationType stringPossible values: [
]firstValue stringDepending on 'priceCalculationType' here has to be exact price value|product id|category id|custom data id
secondPriceCalculationType stringPossible values: [
]secondValue stringDepending on 'priceCalculationType' here has to be exact price value|product id|category id|custom data id
priceCalculationType stringPossible values: [
]value stringDepending on 'priceCalculationType' here has to be exact price value|product id|category id|custom data id
changeDuration string requiredPossible values: [
]Time range when the price of the product changed
firstDate date-timeHas to be specified if 'changeDuration' is 'SINCE_DATE', 'BETWEEN_TWO_DATES' or 'DATE_RANGE'
secondDate date-timeHas to be specified if 'changeDuration' is 'BETWEEN_TWO_DATES' or 'DATE_RANGE'
htmlDescription stringHtml readable description of the targeting condition
id int64Unique identifier
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
os stringPossible values: [
]htmlDescription stringHtml readable description of the targeting condition
id int64Unique identifier
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
matchType stringPossible values: [
]How to match the specified url. Default value: 'EXACT'
url stringReferring website URL template
htmlDescription stringHtml readable description of the targeting condition
id int64Unique identifier
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
trafficType stringPossible values: [
]Traffic type
htmlDescription stringHtml readable description of the targeting condition
id int64Unique identifier
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
matchType stringPossible values: [
]How to match the specified title. Default value: 'EXACT'
title stringTitle template
htmlDescription stringHtml readable description of the targeting condition
id int64Unique identifier
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
matchType stringPossible values: [
]Accordance between requested URL and URL template. Default value: EXACT
url stringURL template
htmlDescription stringHtml readable description of the targeting condition
id int64Unique identifier
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
matchType stringPossible values: [
]How to match the specified amount of pages
pageCount int32Number of page views
htmlDescription stringHtml readable description of the targeting condition
id int64Unique identifier
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
matchType stringPossible values: [
]How to match the specified url. Default value: 'EXACT'
url stringPrevious page URL template
htmlDescription stringHtml readable description of the targeting condition
id int64Unique identifier
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
priceMatchType stringPossible values: [
]How match by price? According to this field it's necessary to add some additional pricing parameters
priceParams object
- oneOf
- BelongingPriceParams
- BetweenPriceParams
- ExactPriceParams
- PriceChangeParams
areaOfPriceMatching string requiredPossible values: [
]categories string[]Has to be specified if 'areaOfPriceMatching' is 'SPECIFIC_CATEGORIES'
priceCategory string requiredPossible values: [
]productEans string[]Has to be specified if 'areaOfPriceMatching' is 'SPECIFIC_PRODUCTS'
productWayOfCounting string requiredPossible values: [
]How to count 'value'?
value int32 requiredTo which fraction of products the product belongs
firstPriceCalculationType stringPossible values: [
]firstValue stringDepending on 'priceCalculationType' here has to be exact price value|product id|category id|custom data id
secondPriceCalculationType stringPossible values: [
]secondValue stringDepending on 'priceCalculationType' here has to be exact price value|product id|category id|custom data id
priceCalculationType stringPossible values: [
]value stringDepending on 'priceCalculationType' here has to be exact price value|product id|category id|custom data id
changeDuration string requiredPossible values: [
]Time range when the price of the product changed
firstDate date-timeHas to be specified if 'changeDuration' is 'SINCE_DATE', 'BETWEEN_TWO_DATES' or 'DATE_RANGE'
secondDate date-timeHas to be specified if 'changeDuration' is 'BETWEEN_TWO_DATES' or 'DATE_RANGE'
htmlDescription stringHtml readable description of the targeting condition
id int64Unique identifier
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
referrerIndex stringValue can be the index of a specific referrer. Or 'ANY' to segment visitors by presence of any referrer
referrerName stringhtmlDescription stringHtml readable description of the targeting condition
id int64Unique identifier
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
matchType stringPossible values: [
]How to match the specified amount of time. Default value: 'EQUAL'
visitCount int32Number of visits for today
htmlDescription stringHtml readable description of the targeting condition
id int64Unique identifier
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
height int32Should be specified if 'heightMatchType' is not 'INCLUDE'
heightLowerBound int32Should be specified if 'heightMatchType' is 'INCLUDE'
heightMatchType stringPossible values: [
]How to match the specified height
heightUpperBound int32Should be specified if 'heightMatchType' is 'INCLUDE'
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
width int32Should be specified if 'widthMatchType' is not 'INCLUDE'
widthLowerBound int32Should be specified if 'widthMatchType' is 'INCLUDE'
widthMatchType stringPossible values: [
]How to match the specified width
widthUpperBound int32Should be specified if 'widthMatchType' is 'INCLUDE'
htmlDescription stringHtml readable description of the targeting condition
id int64Unique identifier
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
sdkType stringPossible values: [
]The type of SDK through which the visitor has been triggered
version stringSDK language version
versionMatchType stringPossible values: [
]How to match the specified version of the sdk language. Default value: 'EQUAL'
htmlDescription stringHtml readable description of the targeting condition
id int64Unique identifier
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
include booleanlinkedSegmentId int64Id of linked segment
linkedSegmentName stringName of linked segment
htmlDescription stringHtml readable description of the targeting condition
id int64Unique identifier
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
skyStatus stringPossible values: [
]Specific status of the sky. Can be null if 'skyStatusGroup' is filled
skyStatusGroup stringPossible values: [
]Group of sky statuses. Each group can include many sky statuses. Can be null if 'skyStatus' is filled
htmlDescription stringHtml readable description of the targeting condition
id int64Unique identifier
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
matchType stringPossible values: [
]How to match the specified amount of tabs
tabCount int32Number of tabs opened
htmlDescription stringHtml readable description of the targeting condition
id int64Unique identifier
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
experiment int64Id of experiment
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
variation int64Id of variation which was retrieved by specified experiment
variationMatchType stringPossible values: [
]How to match the specified variation. Default value: 'ANY'
htmlDescription stringHtml readable description of the targeting condition
id int64Unique identifier
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
featureFlagId int64Id of the targeted feature flag
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
ruleId int64Id of the rule of the targeted feature flag
variationKey stringKey of the variation of the targeted feature flag
htmlDescription stringHtml readable description of the targeting condition
id int64Unique identifier
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
personalization int64Id of personalization
htmlDescription stringHtml readable description of the targeting condition
id int64Unique identifier
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
audiences object[]
List of tealium audiences
Array [id string requiredAudience unique identifier
name string requiredAudience name
]include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
htmlDescription stringHtml readable description of the targeting condition
id int64Unique identifier
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
badges object[]
List of tealium badges
Array [id int64 requiredBadge unique identifier
name string requiredBadge name
]include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
htmlDescription stringHtml readable description of the targeting condition
id int64Unique identifier
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
lowerBoundValue int32Lower bound of temperature. This field must be not null if 'temperatureMatchType' is not 'EQUAL'
measurement stringPossible values: [
]Default value: 'CELSIUS'
temperatureMatchType stringPossible values: [
]How to match the specified value of temperature
upperBoundValue int32Upper bound of temperature. This field must be not null if 'temperatureMatchType' is not 'EQUAL'
value int32Exact value of temperature. This field must be not null if 'temperatureMatchType' is 'EQUAL'
htmlDescription stringHtml readable description of the targeting condition
id int64Unique identifier
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
since date-timeSince date. Date format in ISO 8601 standard: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss
to date-timeTo date. Date format in ISO 8601 standard: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss
htmlDescription stringHtml readable description of the targeting condition
id int64Unique identifier
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
count int32Count of time elapsed since session became active according to the 'unitOfTime' field
countMatchType stringPossible values: [
]How to match the specified amount of time
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
unitOfTime stringPossible values: [
]What unit of measurements will be used to define time since a page load
url stringURL template
urlMatchType stringPossible values: [
]Accordance between requested URL and URL template. Default value: EXACT
htmlDescription stringHtml readable description of the targeting condition
id int64Unique identifier
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
countOfPages int32Amount of visited pages
countOfPagesMatchType stringPossible values: [
]How to match 'countOfPages'?
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
productEans string[]Pages of which products should be visited?
htmlDescription stringHtml readable description of the targeting condition
id int64Unique identifier
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
matchType stringPossible values: [
]How to match the specified visitor code. Default value: EXACT
visitorCode stringVisitor code
htmlDescription stringHtml readable description of the targeting condition
id int64Unique identifier
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
ipLowerBound stringLower bound of ip addresses range. If visitor ip match or is more than the bound it will be included in or excluded from the segment.If the field is filled then 'ipUpperBound' has to be filled too
ipRanges array[]Visitor ip address ranges
ipUpperBound stringUpper bound of ip addresses range. If visitor ip match or is less than the bound it will included in or excluded from the segment.If the field is filled then 'ipLowerBound' has to be filled too
ips string[]Exact visitor ip address
htmlDescription stringHtml readable description of the targeting condition
id int64Unique identifier
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
matchType stringPossible values: [
]How to match the specified amount of visits
visitCount int32Total amount of visits
htmlDescription stringHtml readable description of the targeting condition
id int64Unique identifier
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
count int32Amount of visits
countMatchType stringPossible values: [
]How to match the specified amount of visits
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
period stringPossible values: [
]Per what period of time visits should be considered
url stringURL template
urlMatchType stringPossible values: [
]Accordance between requested URL and URL template. Default value: EXACT
htmlDescription stringHtml readable description of the targeting condition
id int64Unique identifier
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
attribute stringYsance attribute
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
value stringAttribute value
valueMatchType stringPossible values: [
]How to match the specified attribute value. Default value: 'EXACT'
htmlDescription stringHtml readable description of the targeting condition
id int64Unique identifier
weight int32 requiredMore important conditions have greater values. Default value: 1
include booleanShould visitors who match to the condition be included to or excluded from the segment. Default value: 'true'
segments string[]Ysance segments
]orOperators boolean[]Array of booleans ("or"=true, "and"=false) for binding conditions of second level.
]firstLevelOrOperators boolean[]Array of booleans ("or"=true, "and"=false) for binding firstLevel outer conditions.
- createdBy int64
Account id of the creator of the key moment
- dateCreated date-time
- dateModified date-time
- description string
Description of the key moment
- id int64
Unique identifier of a key moment
- isFavorite boolean
Indicates whether the key moment is marked as a favorite.
- name string required
Name of the key moment
- siteId int64 required
Unique identifier for the site where the key moment was, or will be created.
"audienceTracking": true,
"audienceTrackingEditable": true,
"conditionsData": {
"firstLevel": [
"conditions": [
"htmlDescription": "string",
"id": 0,
"targetingType": "PAGE_URL",
"weight": 1,
"count": 0,
"include": true,
"matchType": "EQUAL",
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"id": 0,
"targetingType": "PAGE_URL",
"weight": 1,
"include": true
"htmlDescription": "string",
"id": 0,
"targetingType": "PAGE_URL",
"weight": 1,
"include": true,
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"versionMatchType": "EQUAL"
"htmlDescription": "string",
"id": 0,
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"weight": 1,
"browser": "CHROME",
"include": true,
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"id": 0,
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"weight": 1,
"include": true,
"language": "ru"
"htmlDescription": "string",
"id": 0,
"targetingType": "PAGE_URL",
"weight": 1,
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"goalId": 0,
"include": true
"htmlDescription": "string",
"id": 0,
"targetingType": "PAGE_URL",
"weight": 1,
"include": true,
"name": "string",
"nameMatchType": "EXACT",
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"valueMatchType": "EXACT"
"htmlDescription": "string",
"id": 0,
"targetingType": "PAGE_URL",
"weight": 1,
"customDataIndex": "string",
"customDataName": "string",
"include": true,
"lowerBoundCustom": 1,
"upperBoundCustom": 5,
"value": "string",
"valueCustom": "string",
"valueMatchType": "TRUE"
"htmlDescription": "string",
"id": 0,
"targetingType": "PAGE_URL",
"weight": 1,
"dayPeriod": "DAY",
"include": true
"htmlDescription": "string",
"id": 0,
"targetingType": "PAGE_URL",
"weight": 1,
"day": "SUNDAY",
"include": true
"htmlDescription": "string",
"id": 0,
"targetingType": "PAGE_URL",
"weight": 1,
"device": "DESKTOP",
"include": true
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"id": 0,
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"elementType": "SINGLE",
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"include": true
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"id": 0,
"targetingType": "PAGE_URL",
"weight": 1,
"testMatchType": "ALL"
"htmlDescription": "string",
"id": 0,
"targetingType": "PAGE_URL",
"weight": 1,
"experimentationType": "ALL"
"htmlDescription": "string",
"id": 0,
"targetingType": "PAGE_URL",
"weight": 1
"htmlDescription": "string",
"id": 0,
"targetingType": "PAGE_URL",
"weight": 1,
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"id": 0,
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"weight": 1,
"daysRange": 0,
"forecastDays": 0,
"forecastMatchType": "EQUAL",
"include": true,
"skyStatus": "CLEAR_SKY",
"skyStatusGroup": "CLEAR_SKY"
"htmlDescription": "string",
"id": 0,
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"weight": 1,
"daysRange": 0,
"forecastDays": 0,
"forecastMatchType": "EQUAL",
"include": true,
"lowerBoundValue": 0,
"measurement": "CELSIUS",
"temperatureMatchType": "EQUAL",
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"id": 0,
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"id": 0,
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"include": true,
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"htmlDescription": "string",
"id": 0,
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"id": 0,
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"include": true,
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"id": 0,
"targetingType": "PAGE_URL",
"weight": 1
"htmlDescription": "string",
"id": 0,
"targetingType": "PAGE_URL",
"weight": 1,
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"htmlDescription": "string",
"id": 0,
"targetingType": "PAGE_URL",
"weight": 1,
"categories": [
"countOfPages": 0,
"countOfPagesMatchType": "GREATER",
"include": true,
"priceMatchType": "ANY",
"priceParams": {
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Bad Request
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Internal Server Error
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